I hate you - Dabi

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As soon as the clock struck midnight and the lights of all the dorms switched off, I peeped around the hallways, making sure everyone was in their rooms sleeping before jumping off my 3rd floor window, using my quirk psionic to maintain a balance in the air to land without making a sound. Being a student at UA, I was well acquainted with the layout of the area, making it relatively easy for me to navigate past the security guards and surveillance cameras.

I saw my phone screen flashing with Shigaraki's name as he texted me the time and location of where I was supposed to meet him. I made my way towards the abandoned warehouse after covering my face with my hood and wearing a mask to not get recognised by the passersby.

I was the last one to reach the place. Dabi , Touya, Mr. Compress and Shigaraki, all were there waiting for me. The warehouse appeared to look a thousand years old with it's cracked and spray painted walls that smelled like mud. Careful not to ruin my expensive shoes, I slowly made my way towards them.

"What's with the sudden meet up?" I questioned casually, my gaze shifting to Dabi briefly who was glaring at Tomura.

"It's time." Shigaraki simply declared, glaring straight into my eyes.

"For?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious.

I knew exactly what he meant by those words but for some reason, I couldn't get myself to dwell on it. I have to do what Shigaraki orders regardless of how much I hate it or protest. I cannot refuse, my loyalties towards him are sealed. My heart sank as he finally revealed my final mission.

"Your final mission," Said he, continuing my thoughts. "You're going to kill Bakugou Katsuki."

My heart dropped as he delivered the crushing blow. I tried to maintain my neutral expression as I stared at him in the eye.

"Why Bakugou?" I dared to ask. "Shouldn't Izuku be our main priority? He's the strongest, right?"

Shigaraki's skeletal hand reached for his face, his tone dripping with sadistic pleasure. "Bakugou is the embodiment of heroism, and we want to break that trust of people. Not to mention I how much I personally despise him. I'd rather see him dead than that all might kid."

I glanced up at Dabi in hopes that atleast he would understand but he kept his eyes straight ahead. I knew he wouldn't side with me on this one on so I just nodded, masking the hurt inside me.

"I'll do it."


Days passed, and my inner turmoil grew with each moment I spent with Bakugou. I watched him closely, searching for a way to carry out my next steps without revealing my true nature and intention. But every smile he flashed, every moment we shared, like when he took me out for dinner when I was feeling down and how he'd let me win while we're training just to see me smile, every little moment dug the knife deeper into my heart. I never imagined betraying a friend would be this agonizing. Each day I spent with my friends, Denki, Kirishima, Mina, Jirou and of course Katsuki, I couldn't even bare to think how much they'll despise me for what I was about to do to them in the coming weeks. Because of me, UA will never trust it's students ever again.

One night, on a secluded rooftop, where the crisp, thin air delicately brushed against my skin. I clutched the collar of my turtleneck, drawing it nearer to my lips. From up here, I gazed at the city's sparkling lights. Everything seemed tiny, like thousands of stars had fallen beneath me, not up in the night sky.

At first, it was peaceful. But soon, the inevitable worry crept into my thoughts. I couldn't help but think that this city would turn to ashes, and even the stars above would vanish. Just as I was lost in these heavy thoughts, I felt someone coming up behind me. I didn't turn around. The person who joined me stayed quiet for a while. We both looked out at the dark sky, me staring down at the city lights and the person next to me lost in the vastness of the night. His eyes, a bright shade of blue, seemed to see right through my attempt to act like I didn't care about what was going to go down.

"What's eating you?" Dabi asked, his voice laced with irritation.

I hesitated, unsure if I should tell him that I'm having second thoughts. "It's nothing, Dabi don't worry."

He leaned closer, gripping my arm tightly. "I can tell when something's off, sweetheart. You can tell me."

With a heavy sigh, I confessed, what's the worst that could happen? He's a friend, after all. "It's Bakugou. I don't know how I'll..."

Dabi's eyebrow arched, a sly grin forming on his lips. "It won't be that hard. Just make it quick when he's sleeping or something."

I scoffed at him. "You don't fucking understand. I don't want to do it. I care about that boy."

Dabi's grip tightened on my arm, his eyes filled with anger and a bit of hurt. "Care about him? He's nothing but a good for nothing ungrateful asshole."

"You don't even know him." I snapped, yanking my arm away from his grasp and striding away from him.

He laughed without humour. "Oh, so now you have feelings for him? Is that what it is?"

I shook my head at his words, I couldn't believe him in that moment. I couldn't believe that I let my vulnerability slip infront of him. He could never understand how it feels to be around people who love you for you and want to see you succeed in life with them. He never got a chance to have a family in the first place, he has never experienced true friendships, of course he wouldn't get it.

"I knew sending you to that shithole school was a bad idea." He called out as he closed the distance between us. He grabbed my wrist and forced me to face him. I immediately started backing away until my back hit the cold wall. His voice sounded monotonous, robotic. I cringed away when he caressed my collarbone. I've been through this way too many times to know what was coming.

"I even told Shigaraki," He murmured softly while playing with the locks of my hair. "That you're young, and will fall for the very first boy who gives you attention. But he didn't listen. He defended you, said 'she's better than that.'"

I glared at him in disgust. There was no sign of empathy in his blue eyes, all I saw was a villain who had no remorse or regret for what he was doing. Our faces were mere inches apart and the tension between us was almost unbearable. And then, without a warning, he crashed his lips against mine with utmost force, causing me to almost lose my balance. His firm grip on my waist steadied me, pulling me closer to his body. I tried pushing him away but failed, his tongue found access to my mouth when I gasped audibly after feeling his knee go in between my thighs. He didn't stop kissing me until my lungs were gasping for air.

As soon as he let me go, the reality of the situation came crashing back. I pulled away, my voice filled with disgust. "You're just like the rest of them."

His eyes burned with anger and frustration as he grabbed my neck and pulled me towards him. "And you're fucking pathetic. Just like the rest of them."

Tears threatened to stream down my face but I stood my ground. "Maybe I am, but I won't let you turn me into you."

Dabi's rage erupted after the words flew out of my mouth, and he unleashed his blue flames, engulfing me in searing heat. I cried out in excruciating pain, but he silenced my screams by pressing his mouth to mine once again, it was obvious he wasn't going to let me leave.

As the flames subsided, Dabi stood over me, his face twisted in anger and disappointment. "You made your choice, Y/N. Now suffer the consequences."

And with that he let go of his hold on me causing me to fall down on the hard and cold ground. I had no energy left in me to fight him. Everything around me seemed blurry,
Closing my eyes, I clung to the hope that this nightmare would dissipate, and I'd wake up in my classroom, surrounded by friends and teachers. But deep down, I knew there was no escape. I was on the verge of losing everything – my friends, my love, my humanity, my very soul.

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