Dating and irritation

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 *Back at the Do Jo*

Practice finally ended and I was breathing hard from the beating I had just spent the last two hours getting from sensei. Bowing I headed back to the locker rooms. As I worked to unlock my locker, I heard the tiny metallic ping that told me I had a new message. Pulling out my phone, I found a message from Amy saying

[I'm not sure he'll be himself the next few days but I think he's still got some things to figure out. Give him a little space but don't avoid him. Can you also try for no PDA with Jonathan in front of him please?] I sent her back a message saying,

[Oh, so I see he told you. How much did he share with you just out of curiosity?]

[He told me everything that has happened since the beginning of the semester that involves you including why you quit the swim team. Please don't be mad at him for telling me. I'm here if you ever want to talk, you know you're like a brother to me] she replied. Sighing, I wrote back

[I'm not. I figured he would eventually because that's not something he could come to terms with on his own. Hell, even I couldn't have survived with the feelings of shame and guilt I went through even though I did nothing wrong. And yeah I know, you're like a sister to me too which is why I feel bad putting you in the middle of all of this]

[It's okay. I'm glad to help. I just hope I can do enough to keep you guys together. Just give him some time to come to terms with it all okay. He's asleep now but I'm really worried this time. I'll keep an eye on him this weekend, he probably won't leave the house even to go to practices. Next week we'll have to both keep an eye on him without smothering him though, okay?] she replied.

[Yeah, I'll leave him alone tomorrow and then message him on Sunday. Then we can work together to keep an eye on him next week sis] I replied placing my phone back in my locker, I reached into my gym bag and pulled out a fluffy white towel, a matching wash cloth, a toiletry bag, and a clean set of underwear and a t-shirt then headed to the showers. Since these showers were stalls that were two stalls deep with locking doors, I didn't have vivid flash backs as I entered and locked the stall. Laying my clean clothes on the short wooden bench that lined one side of the first section of the stall, I stripped and entered the second section closing the curtain behind me. I quickly showered in scalding hot water to help with the soreness from the workout, then dried myself and dressed in my underwear and t-shirt before gathering up my stuff and heading back to my locker. I packed all my dirty clothes into my gym bag before pulling my jeans out of my locker and put them on then separated my dark red hoodie from my leather jacket. I had just finished putting on my socks and then lacing up my combat boots when the sensei came around the corner. "Hey Cam," he said "good work today. Do you know if Hayden will be back in the next few days?"

"No sensei, I honestly don't. I'll try and get a hold of him tomorrow before practice and find out though" I answered looking up to see sensei leaning against the locker on the end watching me.

"Okay, just let me know tomorrow," he said and turned to go to his office. Standing up, I pocketed my phone then shrugged on my hoodie pulling up the hood before slipping my leather jacket on too then grabbed my backpack and gym bag. Closing and locking my locker, I left the locker room making my way out of the Do Jo as I put my Bluetooth headphones in my ears and searched songs to listen to on the way home. Remembering that Jonathan wanted me to text him when I was leaving, I decided to call and talk to him on the walk back. Pushing send, it rang for a few heart beats and then Jonathan's giggling voice came on the line, "hey you," he giggled into the phone. I did a double take at the phone to be sure I called the right person.

"Did I catch you in the middle of something?" I asked smiling at how happy he sounded.

"Oh no, my sister was just telling us about something that happened at school today. Elementary kids are so odd" he giggled some more.

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