He really loves me

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"Yeah, he did and I get it but I told him he shouldn't have let it get that bad" Hayden said gently as I cried against his shoulder.

"Yeah, I agree but it seemed like there was more going on with him than just that. He hasn't been his usual snarky self since before you left but after it got much worse. He'd almost stopped talking entirely" she said making me stiffen slightly in Haydens' hold which of course he'd noticed.

"He's been dealing with a lot recently but now that I'm back, hopefully I can help him get back to himself" he said rubbing my back.

"Hopefully. Anyway, I'll leave you all to it. Just let me know if you want anything else" she said before turning to leave again. We waited another few minutes before Hayden pulled back and said "see I wasn't the only one to notice you were in pain baby but why didn't you tell me you basically stopped talking to people?"

"Yeah, well I just didn't want anyone to know at that point but you do now so you understand what I'd been hiding and I didn't really. I still talked to you, Amy, Jon, and even Sensei regularly enough that I didn't see the need to talk to anyone else" I shrugged refusing to look at him.

"Hmmm... Well, I guess those are the only people you really talked to anyway. Ugh... I feel like I've missed so much time with you" Hayden said throwing his head back in frustration. Chuckling, I tilted his head back down to look at me and said "but you're here now and that's all that matters."

Finished eating our food, Hayden paid our bill and left a sizable tip for Tess before we headed out of the restaurant towards our houses. Walking hand in hand, we talked about everything that had happened the over the past year smiling and laughing as we went. When we were close to our houses, Hayden pulled me off the path and into a grove of trees pushing me up against one. Quirking my brow at him in the darkness, he whispered "I'm not ready to let you go yet" before slamming our lips together and wrapping his arms around my waist as my hands found their way into his hair. Slipping his hands under my butt, he picked me up letting me wrap my legs around him as he supported all our weight. Groaning, I broke the kiss and said "if you're not careful, I may do something to you that I've been dying to do for the last eleven years."

"Oh and what would that be baby?" he smirked at me.

"Put me down and you can find out" I smirked back locking our lips together again. Slowly sliding down his legs, he let me go so I was standing in front of him still kissing him as my hand ventured towards his waist band. Slipping my hand inside his sweats, I caressed his hard shaft making him gasp and groan. Breaking the kiss, I slid down the tree never breaking eye contact as I pulled him out of the confines of his pant and slowly licked him from base to tip before swirling my tongue around his tip and taking him fully into my mouth as he moaned aloud. Smiling, I began bobbing my head up and down his shaft forcing him to reach out and balance himself on the tree in front of him with one hand as the other held up his shirt.

"Oh Cam, god that feels so good" he moaned throwing his head back as I moved my tongue against his shaft and swirled it around the tip again. Pinning his shirt up with his chin, he let his free hand find its way into my blonde locks before he sped up the pace for a few seconds before slowing it down again. The pattern repeated a few times before he came in my mouth, shuttering against me as I swallowed all of it before I released him and tucked him away again. Standing up, I smiled at him and waited until he could speak again. Taking a shaky breath, he pulled me too him and kissed me as he pushed me back up against the tree. Smiling, I kissed him back and even allowed him entry when he licked my lip begging for access. Breaking the kiss, he moved to kiss down my neck before whispering in my ear "god I want you but I'll wait for you to be ready for that babe" before going back to kissing my neck again making me moan as I laced the fingers of my right hand through his hair. As he kissed my neck, I felt his hand slide down my back before sliding around my hip and sliding up inside my shirt. Loosening my sweat pants, he slipped his hand inside and began stroking me making me suck in a sharp breath before panting "oh god baby." I felt him smile against me before he moved back up to kiss me again as I felt his other hand start to move my pants down my hips enough to free me from their prison. Breaking the kiss, he looked down before meeting my eyes again and smirking then squatting down in front of me to do what I'd done to him only moments before. Running his tongue up and around me, he took me into his mouth making me groan at how good it felt as I lifted the hem of my shirt up to my stomach with my left hand. Moaning his name as he moved against me, I threw my head back as I felt him run his tongue around my tip before taking me in his mouth again. Another few minutes passed before I exploded in ecstasy as my body sagged back against the tree. Having cleaned me up and tucked me away again, he stood up and smirked at me before I pulled him to me and pressed my lips to his. Wrapping his arms around me, he deepened the kiss as he ground his now fully erect again self against me making me moan in his mouth. Breaking the kiss, I whispered "god I want you so bad right now but I want our first time to be special." In the faint light, I could just barely see him smile before he said "I'm sure we could make it special. The problem is finding somewhere we could be alone that no one would ask questions or hear us." Smiling, I said "I can think of one or two places we could be completely alone with no questions asked and no one to hear us."

"Want to spend the rest of your birthday with me then babe?" Hayden asked making me chuckle "would I really want to spend it anywhere else?"

"No, I guess not. Come on love, let's make tonight unforgettable" he said letting me go as he took my hand and led me back towards the path through the park back towards town. As we walked I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I looked at our intertwined fingers.

"I've really missed you, you know" I said still smiling as I looked up at Haydens beautiful face in the darkness.

"I've missed you too, Cam. I really wish we hadn't lost that year together but I'm glad I'm finally home with you" he said lifting our intertwined hands to kiss the back of mine.

Walking back into the business district, we quickly made our way down a side alley towards the red light district. Choosing a hotel at random, we walked up to the reception desk and Hayden said "we'd like a room for the night."

"Sure, it'll be ninety-five for the night" the clerk said as Hayden reached into his back pocket for his wallet.

"Here's a hundred, keep the change man" he said glancing at me as he handed the guy the money. Sliding a key across the desk, the guy said "it's room fifty-two, have a good night."

"Thanks" Hayden said picking up the key before he said "come on baby, let's go." Nodding, I willingly followed Hayden to our room.

As he closed the door behind us, I turned to look at my boyfriend and smiled as he leaned against the door for a minute just watching me. Standing up again, he came over to me pulling me against him with one hand while the other caressed my cheek and said "if it gets to be too much, just say so and we'll stop okay?" Nodding, I tilted my head up as he leaned in to kiss me. Gripping his biceps, I kissed him back with everything I was feeling before he pulled back and leaned his head against mine.

"I love you, Cameron" he whispered making me smile as I said "and I love you, Hayden" before pulling him towards the bed. Stopping at the foot of it, I let go and pushed him onto it on his back. Looking at me with a mix of shock and confusion on his face, I waited another few seconds before I climbed on top him straddling his hip before I kissed him again. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he licked my bottom lip and I let him deepen our kiss as he rolled us over. Pinning me to the bed, he broke the kiss only to move to my neck and work his way down until he hit the collar of my shirt. Sitting up, he pulled me with him and pulled my shirt off over my head. Doing the same to him, I threw his shirt on the floor before lacing my fingers into his hair and kissing him as I pulled him back down on top of me. Breaking the kiss again, he moved down my neck kissing as he went eventually making it to my chest. Licking and sucking my nipples, he kissed his way down until he reached the waist band of my sweat pants and again undid the tie pulling them loose. Watching me, he laced his fingers under the band and slowly pulled them off me as I kicked off my shoes. Looking down, he kissed my hip before glancing up at me to check and make sure I was okay. Nodding, I watched as he licked me from base to tip before gripping me lightly as he slid me into his mouth while his other hand massaged my balls. Releasing them, he used that hand to gently push my legs apart before he began massaging my entrance. Stiffening for a second, I forced myself to relax as I reminded myself that it wasn't him. This was my choice to make love to the man I love. Nodding, I let him know I was okay as he continued sucking my throbbing manhood. Releasing me for a second, he wet one finger before taking me back into his mouth again as that wet finger went back to massaging my hole before it slowly slipped inside making me gasp. Fingering my rear, he continued licking and sucking which distracted me from the pain when he added yet another finger slowly loosening me up. Exploding into his mouth minutes later, I groaned as he released me and slowly slipped his fingers out before crawling back up me. Kissing me again, I flipped us over and broke the kiss to move down to his neck. Kissing and biting my way down his neck and chest, I eventually made it to his waist band and without looking at him undid them. Slipping them down his legs, I licked him from base to tip and swirled my tongue around his tip before taking him into my mouth. Making sure to get him nice and wet, I released him before climbing up to straddle his hips. Smiling at him, I reached back and lined him up before slowly impaling myself on him. Waiting for the pain to subside, I leaned down and kissed him again before I started moving against him. Groaning against my lips, he put his hands on my bottom holding it open allowing himself better access. Gasping as he plunged deep inside me, he flipped us over again and carefully pounded himself inside me. Breaking our kiss, he kissed down my neck again biting the intersection of my neck and shoulder as he hit my g-spot making me scream his name. Grunting and panting, we came together kissing as we shuddered against each other before he slid out of me and laid down on the bed beside me. Pulling me into his arms again, he whispered "I love you" making me smile as I said "I love you too." 

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