Anger and pain

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At the end of the school day, I had finally left the roof and walked to my locker passing Hayden in the hall without a word. As I neared my locker, I saw Jon standing there with both my book bag and gym bag at his feet. Stopping in front of him, I said "thanks for grabbing those."

"No problem, are you okay?" Jon asked with a worried frown.

"Not really but this day isn't over yet. He's coming to Ike-do tonight" I whispered the last part with a sadness in my eyes.

"How about we get some dinner before you have to go get the crap beat out of you?" Jon said trying to lighten the mood.

"Okay and maybe you can walk me to practice after?" I said with a shy smile. Bending down, I picked up my bags and stood back up to see that we were being watched by everyone around us.

"We should get going..." I whispered again without looking at Jon.

"Yeah, though they could just be staring because they can't believe you're not with Hayden when he has clearly been here all day" Jon said and then continued as they started walking, "or maybe they're just overwhelmed by the amount of total hotness that is both of us together..."

"Yeah even I don't believe the second one..." I said with a giggle trying not to notice the continuing stares as we left the building.

"What it could happen!" Jon said shocked then continued "where do you wanna eat?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure, all I know for sure is that I wanna find somewhere to hide so I can kiss you" I whispered so only Jon could hear me. As we made our way passed the park, Jon glanced behind us to be sure no one would see then grabbed my hand pulling me into the park and into a thick grove of trees and bushes. Pushing me against a tree, Jon placed his left hand on my cheek and took my hand with his right then kissed me. Pulling Jon closer with my left hand, I deepened the kiss. We remained like that for almost a full ten minutes before Jon pulled away breaking the kiss. Breathing heavily, Jon leaned his head against mine and said "I know part of this is you needing something normal and stable after everything this afternoon but I know for sure how I feel about you. However, I don't wanna further complicate your already messed up thoughts or add to your mixed emotions by telling you. So, when you figure out how you truly feel, even if you chose him instead of me, please don't think you have to stay with me. If you chose me, I'll tell you how I feel but not yet. We can keep doing this if it'll help you keep your sanity though, okay" Jon said.

"Okay. I'll try to figure it out quickly but I'm honestly no sure I know how to feel about everything that happened today" I said honestly.

"I know and I don't wanna rush you" Jon said and kissed me again before stepping back and letting go then adding "we should get going if were going to have time to eat and kiss again before you have to go to practice."

"Okay let's go," I said standing up off the tree and we left the thicket of trees to head to the shopping district. As we walked we talked about what all I had missed while I was hiding on the roof and what homework was assigned. Deciding to go to the barbecue restaurant, we headed inside and were immediately greeted by the hostess. As we were lead to our table, our senses were assailed by the scents of nuts, beer, and barbecue. After we had been seated and were once again alone, Jon asked "are you feeling any better?"

"I'm not sure. I understand it all but I'm not sure how it makes me feel or how I'm supposed to feel about it. And in just a little while I either have to kick the crap out of him or let him kick the crap out of me" I said staring at the table feeling anxious. Putting my hands on the table and finally looking at Jon, I continued "maybe I should skip practice today." Reaching across the table and placing a hand on my arm, Jon said "you shouldn't do that. You're gonna have to face him eventually and doing it on the Ike-do mats might be the best place for it. Maybe warn the instructor before class so he can either stop you or at least keep an eye on you so you two don't beat each other to a bloody pulp." With a few tears and a sad giggle I said "yeah good point."

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