Bad news. But then good news.

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"Umm what bad news?" I said.
"I'm afraid we aren't getting a heartbeat on your baby."
"What?" I say with tears filling my eyes.
"We will take some more tests. It's a fifty fifty chance. Some of their heart beats are hard to find."
"Ok" I manage to get out.
the doctors took some more tests. They took blood tests, and an ultra sound. I decided to get one of the new 3d ones. They are a little creepy but I want to know.
"Okay nikki we will set you up to the monitor." Said a friendly nurse.
"O....k...a...y.." I was so nervous. I prayed. /please lord let there be a baby. I know I don't talk to hardly but please. Just please./
They turned on the monitor and put that warm gel on my stomach. I closed my tired eyes.
"This will take a minute" she said.
OMG!!! I swear that was the longest minute of. My. Life.
"I'm sorry I'm new, let me get get the other doctor."
"O..k..k..ay" I stuttered.
The other doctor came,
"Having trouble finding a heart beat?"
"Umm yeah."
"No biggie. Let's take a look."
He took the monitor and swirled it around.
"Nikki.... I'm afraid there's no umm heartbeat."
i didn't stay anything and started sobbing.
"I I'm so sorry..."
"where's my mom?" I said trying to stop crying.
"We'll go get her.."
They took a minute and came in with my mom.
"Nikki sweetheart...."
The a pain, a pain so unbearable hit me. And it wouldn't stop. "AAAAAAAAHHH!!" I screamed.
"Nikki! Nikki!"
Everything was black like when I pass out. Then suddenly I was laying in bed with brandon. What was going on? Was this all a dream?
"Nikki are you ok?!"
"Umm where am I?"
I was suddenly really fat. Like so fat.
"What are you talking about Nikki? did you have a nightmare?"
"Umm I think so..." Everything was a little fuzzy.
Why was the sheets so wet? Did I pee my pants? Then it hit me!
"Um brandon, how far along am I with being pregnant?"
"Eight months and 3 weeks"
"Oh my....."
"Are you ok?"
"I think my water broke..." Then stuff started coming back to me. The wedding, the honey moon, the pregnancy, and yelling at brandon for no reason.
"Yeah obviously. lets get you to a hospital." I forgot Brandon was grumpy in the middle of the night. "Just breathe" he said.
"No duh!!" He had this hurt look on his face. "Don't give that face! I am going into labor!"
"Sorry babe."
We got our stuff and went to the car. He hurried as fast as he could. I kept screaming.
"Nikki it's going to be alright"
"Brandon I am going into labor! Do not say it's going to be alright until this thing is out of me!!!"
"okay." He said nervously.
We pulled up to the hospital. He informed he was going to run in and get a wheel chair.

He came back with it and helped me into it. We got a room. They said they needed to wait for the medicine to kick in.
"Nikki I can't wait to see our baby." We were waiting to be surprised by the gender. I wondered why I was having a little memory loss. I will talk to the doctor later.
" Brandon was it all a nightmare?"
"Well did we ever go to Hawaii?"
"Umm no.."
Then I explained everything I could before the doctor said
"Nikki it's time."

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