'necromancer' ~M

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personal information
Name: Kazuki D. Able
Nicknames: Kaz, Kazi, Zuki
Age: 18-35
Birthday: October 31, 2004-1987
Birth place: Korea
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: Male
Species: Necromancer
sexual orientation: Gay polysexual
Skills: Communication, organization, teamwork, work ethic
Personal interests: doing work, sometimes coloring.
supernatural abilities: possession, soul manipulation, mind control
positive values: Loyalty, kindness, determination, optimism
negative values: pettiness, impatience, dishonesty
Flaws: addriction, paranoid
Phobias: Agoraphobia, claustrophobic, autophobia
Addictions: alcohol, drugs
Habits: making his bed, drinking water, nail biting, worrying

Social information
Social class: middle class
Primary language: Korean
Secondary language: english
Occupation: Police officer
Indoor Hobbies: Baking, cooking, yoga, watching movies
Outdoor Hobbies: water sports, walking, swimming

Birthmarks: one on the back of his hand
Scars: one across the bridge of his nose and multiple on his body everywhere
Tattoos:one on the back of his neck in Korean meaning ‘save the damn’
Height: 5’6-5’9
Physical Build: lean a bit muscular, more flexible than anything else.
Eye Color: purple color
Skin tone: fair skin
Accessories: rings
Piercings: normal ear piercing, nipple piercing, lip piercing

fighting style: reserved, swift, stubborn
preferred weapon: knife, pistol

psychological disorders: Ptsd, depression, anxiety
Allergies: sulfonamides

Family and Friends
Father: Hyjiun Able {alive}
Mother: Rose Able {alive}
Grandmother: Jennie Willson {dead}
Grandfather: Micheal Willson {dead}
Siblings: 4
friend Type: Loyal, talkative, dependable, mischievous
relationship history: He’s been in multiple relationships but one that really stuck with him was one that was fragile, if not broken, dysfunctional and unstable as his partner was a very controlling person and would have him do a lot of things he was uncomfortable with or wouldn’t do anything that Kazuki asked of them. It wasn’t so much physically abusive but it left him mentally scarred and is very cautious when it comes to new relationships.

Strangers:Kazuki is kind even to strangers, but he does have more a wall put up when it comes to them and doesn’t want them to know about his past, especially his addiction to drugs and alcohol, he can be quiet but is usually very talkative unless of course he’s tired or has something on his mind, he doesn’t like to share what’s on his mind either, especially when it comes to strangers and his job, he would prefer that don;t know about his career and doesn’t want them to look at him differently, or doesn’t want them to see them as just another cop that's trying to get them in trouble.

Friends: when around his friends Kazuki is a lot more open, admitting his past addiction to alcohol but that’s it. He is more quiet not feeling like he needs to keep the conversation going but other than that he does still talk a lot, he smile is a lot more bright when around his friends and will tell them about his day at work, though he doesn;t go into much detail about it sometimes since again he doesn’t want his friends to think he is telling them this to show he’s better than them, but just likes to tell them stories that he thinks they might enjoy.

Partner: when around his partner Kazuki is very affectionate and wants affection back from his partner, despite coming from an abusive family he adores physical contact that is gently and sometimes rough as long as they don’t hit or anything. He will be very honest with them explaining his past as best as he can and will do whatever he can to stay with his partner and try to show them that he adores them.


Kazuki came from a poor family where his parents preferred to drink and do drugs than take care of him and his siblings, his oldest siblings, Mika (older sister) and Tsuki (older brother) were often left to take care of Kazuki when he was born and...

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Kazuki came from a poor family where his parents preferred to drink and do drugs than take care of him and his siblings, his oldest siblings, Mika (older sister) and Tsuki (older brother) were often left to take care of Kazuki when he was born and the parents went out to make money though it only lasted a month before they went to their ways and started to drink, the money they saved up was used on drugs and such and the siblings finally gave up on taking care of Kazuki by the time he was 5 thinking he could take care of himself. When he was 11 his mother gave birth to two new siblings, Hanna (little sister) and Derek (little brother) however both were born with multiple issues due to their mother drinking and doing drugs while pregnant but the doctors took care of the situation leaving the mother uncountable for her actions. Within a week Kazuki had went to a teacher about the problems at home, telling them about the drinking and the abuse but mostly about the neglect. CPS was called in and both parents were arrested and the siblings were given to their grandmother who took care of them until the oldest two left and made a life for themselves. After three years the grandmother passed away and Kazuki, Hanna and Derek were left in the older siblings' care, however one was a raging alcoholic and the other was a bipolar mess that couldn’t even take care of her own kids. Kazuki was forced to get a job early on and endured the abuse from the siblings who blamed him for putting their parents in jail. When he was 13 he got into drugs and drinking due to his older brother and after a short while dropped out of school though when he was 16 he finally stopped when he had hit Hanna and went clean straight after, he tried his best to keep the family from sinking down further more but it became worse when Derek was kidnapped and found dead, after that Kazuki left the older siblings and went into collage becoming a police officer while taking care of Hanna.

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