'the demon'-F

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personal information

Name: Scarlet Morningstar

Nickname: Scar

Age: 1,500

Birthday: Feb 21, ???

Birthplace: England

Pronouns: She/Her

Gender: women

Species: demon

sexual orientation: Lesbian

Skills: sword place, organization, communication

personal interests: protecting her mate, trying to take care of her group

supernatural abilities: Wish-Granting, Superhuman physical attributes, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Invulnerability

positive values: loyalty, devotion, fairness

negative values: cruelty, unmerciful, pessimism

Flaws: paranoid, vengeful

Phobias: agoraphobia

Addictions: alcohol

Habits: smoking

Social Information

social class: upper call/royalty

primary language: middle english, old french, latin

secondary language: english

Occupation: assassin, CEO

indoor hobbies: water sports, car riding, running

outdoor hobbies: magic, ice skating, card games


Birthmarks: none

Scars: the place she was stabbed that killed her

Tattoos: Jupiter for her mate

Height: 6'1-6'4

physical build: muscular

eye color: red

hair color: mix between orange and red

skin tone: pale

Accessories: pocket watch

Piercings: snake piercings, industrial piercings


fighting style: aggressive, swift, kickboxing

preferred weapon: blades

Disabilities: depression, PTSd

psychological disorders: bipolar disorder

Family and Friends

Father: (adoptive) Lucifer Morningstar

Mother: unknown

Grandfather: dead

Grandmother: dead

Siblings: 8

Sisters: 1

Brothers: 7

friend type: fearless adventurer, loyal, wise mentor



To strangers Scarlet is very cold, especially towards men often going out of her way to mock them in some sort of way that can piss them off only so she can continue to mock them, with women however she has more of a soft side, letting them speak if they have something to say but will shut them down if they start to say anything stupid. She can be kind, like when she has meetings, she comes off as friendly but that's for business, and as soon as the people are gone she hides in her office again so she doesn't interact with others after that, same goes with parties she has to attend.

Friends/Close Friends:

With friends Scarlet is very open about herself, just not her past, she with hang off of them or let them hang off her and often carries them around just to spoil them though she is still a bit more closed off there's really not a difference between how to treats friends and close friends, the only difference there is that her close friends live with her in her home, and they know about what she has gone through, and actually know her mate. With close friends she's still touchy and affectionate with them but she tells them about her past and even lets them know about her mate, (she keeps a great secret about even from her father) and loves it when her mate and friends get along especially with Rae who she sees almost like a daughter at this point.


With her partner Scarlet will spoil them, especially when they become her mate, who at the moment is Halo, she loves Halo very much and will show her great affection, often spoiling them, though her love can be suffocating she doesn't mean for it to be and just wants her to be happy, she hates being separated from her mate and her mood goes down making her snappy and quite rude sometimes. However she apologizes when she realizes what she's done and spoils her friends after especially her mate if she gets snappy with her from the stress of work and shower them with kisses and gifts;


Scarlet was one of the few babies to survive in the medieval times, her mother having died from childbirth and herself being considered a curse due to her red eyes and bright hair, if you ask her about it now she'll have a distant look in her eyes as she tries to recall her childhood before telling you that its all fuzzy, which is the truth, due to a lot of trauma she went through growing up she locked those memories away, however she does remember having kill people for money, she will always remember her first kill, she was 7 and had gotten caught killing the baroness her husband paying her to kill his wife and came to her aid when she was caught, by the end of it she only got 10 lashes from the baron who paid her well. Realizing that the pay was good she started to make that her main job, taking on jobs like cleaning houses, servant work and such. Once she was 22 she was caught trying to kill a very important man and was put in an arena to fight for her freedom, while there she was sexually assaulted by the other prisoners and guards causing her hatred for them now. She was stabbed by a guard after she was so close to her freedom and was sent down to hell. When there she became known to a lot of demons for when she was alive, managing to grab Lucifer's attention and even gave her a new home, becoming a father to her and gave her a life and siblings who she loves dearly and would give the world to. Once she was allowed back on Earth she found her own group of misfits, taking them in and giving them a life, it wasn't the best but it was more than what they had in the past, during this time she found Halo, her mate now, and took her in as well, at first being annoyed by her until finding out what she was and what she went through, to which now she spoils her, they dated for 5 years before they got married and became mates.



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