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Personal information

Full name: Stella Kache

Nickname: Stell

Age: 21-38

Birthday: April 3

Birthplace: Greece

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: female

Species: human

Sexual orientation: pansexual

Skills: writing, public speaking, communication

Personal interests: finishing her books and taking care of her land

supernatural abilities: none

Positive values: optimism, devotion, patience

Negative values: pettiness, unforgiving, gets jealous easily

Flaws: gullible

Phobias: ataxophobia 

Addictions: smoking

Habits: smoking, nail biting

Social information

Social class: middle class

Primary language: greek, romanian

Secondary language: english

Place of residence: georgia

Occupation: writer/author, farmer

Indoor hobbies: creative writing, yoga, sketching

Outdoor hobbies: walking, traveling, farming


Birthmarks: a dark red birthmark on her right shoulder

Scars: a few nicks on her hands, arms and legs

Tattoos: none

Height: 5’4

Physical build: slender, athletic

Hair color: 

Eye color:

Skin tone:

Accessories: necklace, bracelet


Fighting style: wrestling

Preferred weapon: axe

Disabilities: depression, 
Psychological disorders: ADHD

Family and friends
Mother: dead
Father: Karl Kache {alive}
Siblings: 1
Sister: 1
Brother: 0
Friend type: loyal, talkative, dependable

To strangers Stella is very professional with them, talking formally but always has a smile on her face though she is easily pushed around due to her manager who is constantly trying to get her to make more books so they can make more money, so she’s a bit of a pushover as well, she does try her best to say no to them though when it comes to business she becomes a lot more cold but she communicates well with her partners especially during interviews about her books and tries her best to get her thought across and make sure the person understands that her books mean everything to her.

When it comes to friends she’s a lot more talkative to them smiling and laughing and just seeming more relaxed around them. She would do anything for them even give them money if they say they need it though it often comes back and bites her in the butt from believing them and not going with what her gut tells her and not to give them money. To the friends that do stay with her and don’t ask her for money she values them a lot more, giving them whatever they want even if they don’t ask and just wants to take care of them in all not wanting to let them down either.

With her partner she is loyal, loving them so much and wanting to stay around them as much as she can though sometimes her work does take her away from the them sadly especially when she does work around the farm, though she does try to be with her partner when she writes, usually sitting next to them, cuddled up with them or just laying back against them so she comfortable and has that sense of touch that she loves so much from them. 



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