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I woke up in my bed with a massive headache. Oh man, don't ever leave me with a bottle of wine when I have anxiety.

Memories of his tall figure standing in the dark corner of my apartment, flashed in my mind. As well as the large hand grabbing my wineglass and putting it by his plump pink lips. I really don't remember what happened yesterday. All though it's weird that I have a memory of feeling safe with the man who kidnapped me.

My head hurt as I sat up in bed and rubbed my temples. At my night stand stood a big glass of water and beside it laid an aspirin. I definitely have no memory of placing it there but I placed the small pill in my mouth. My small hands grabbed the glass and felt as the liquid filled my dry mouth. Quickly I swallowed the whole glass and placed it back onto the white nightstand.

My weak body made it's way to the toilet. One foot after the other dragged after me as I picked up my phone from my pocket in my grey sweats. Gladly I still have yesterdays clothes on.

Lexi <3:
What's your plans for Christmas?

I let out a loud sight. I've totally forgotten it's almost Christmas. Damn it! I haven't bought any presents yet! Maya will never forgive me if I don't show up on Christmas without a present.

I typed Lexi back that I was going to my parents, and asked her where she was staying. This year I'm staying there for three nights. She asks me every year even though she knows the answer. That's just how she works. She is always scared of me being alone at holidays. Holidays for her is holy it has always been. Me on the other half doesn't really care so much about it. Christmas is the only holiday I usually don't work on. That's only because Christmas is as holy for my mom and sister as it is for Lexi.

It's my free day today so I guess I'll do some Christmas shopping. With only five days left it's probably for the better. Yikes. Since I didn't work for a long time my budget is low.

Lexi <3:
Okay cozy! You'll have to eat your food for me! I'm staying with Erik at his parents house!!

Every Easter and Christmas my mother always cooks the Swedish traditional foods for the holidays. It's the same meal both times but always delicious! Then one day in June my mom cooks it once again but to dessert there's a cake with strawberries and whipped cream and just strawberries with milk or cream with sugar. It's a holiday called Midsommar in Sweden and it's almost like their national day. I have been in Sweden during Midsommar and Christmas, it's just magical! It's a feeling that's hard to describe.

I made my way into the kitchen and poured a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. Man I hate shopping for presents, it's so hard. Every good present is probably sold out since it's Christmas in five days and I have no money, so this year it will be even harder.

After putting on a pair of blue jeans, knitted sweater, coat and a pair of gloves I made my way to a mall. Snow landed on my bare head. I have never been a fan of wearing a hat since I get so hot in them. I have so much thick hair that my head keeps itself warm anyways. I only wear it if it's super cold.

My black boots made footprints after me as I walked with my black bag on my arm.

The paranoia of someone following me has gotten better, thank fully. After yesterdays encounter with Rafael I should feel more paranoid. Like how did he even get into my apartment? But weirdly I feel a bit more safe. Maybe it's a weird thing he does with his victims. He makes them feel really safe then when they don't suspect a thing he strikes.

I hope not.

I do know he has a nice side to him. A side I would more then likely be friends with if he wasn't Rafael. I experienced it when he held me a prisoner and I had to guard him for a few days. Then maybe I saw that side of him yesterday as well.

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