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The drive back home to my apartment was pure pain. In the back of my mind I thought about 'accidentally' drive of the slippery road. All I really had to do was to push the breaks hard.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't leave my family and friends.

This Christmas was the most depressing one yet. On the outside I played the part of the usual happy me, but on the inside I was slowly painfully dying.

It started to snow, putting white dots on my window.

A tear broke free from my eye, then another followed. Suddenly I had a full on breakdown. I was scared to death. I didn't even let myself imagine what he could possibly do to me. I hate my life and myself for falling for my ex fiancé. Goddammit.

I pulled up at my block and parked my car. My heart pounded hard in my chest. I scanned the street and my door for suspicious looking people. I didn't see anything. The street was empty of people. Cars were parked along the street in the moonlight.

I parked outside my apartment and slowly turned of the engine.

I closed my eyes and let out a big sight before grabbing my bag and got out from my car.

I felt incredibly paranoid. My head looked around my shoulder a million times before I had reached my door.

With shaking hands I unlocked my door and quickly ran inside. I immediately locked it and fell to the floor crying yet again. My body was curled up on the dark wooden floor as I hid my face in my arms.

"Finally!" A loud man's voice said that I've definitely heard before. I screamed and flew up on my feet. Quickly I turned the lights on.

The room reviled his strong muscular body, black hair and strong jawlines. Rafael. He's here, in my apartment.

I didn't breath. I didn't move. I just stood there staring at him in absolute horror.

He stood up from my couch and slowly walked closer to me. His thumb stroked my jawline as I clutched my eyes shut and felt tears escaping my eyes. My heart pounded so hard I thought it was going to escape my chest.

He's going to kill me.

"I've been waiting for you in forever" he whispered in my ear. His minty breath tickled my neck, causing me goosebumps.

"Do you have everything you need? I have clothes for you at home." He said as he let go of my face.

I almost said yes until I remembered I needed my scrubs. I shook my head. "Hurry up. Go get it" he said a bit irritated.

I rushed into my bedroom and grabbed a new bag, filling it with scrubs. Normally I would disobey and take as long as possible, but I didn't dare to disobey this man. He scares the life out of me.

I grabbed my bag and headed towards him. His tall figure stood in my open doorway with my other bag in his hand. He walked out and I closed up my apartment. I glared at the door for a few seconds.

Goodbye home. I'm going to miss you.

A tear fell down my cheek and I turned around to see Rafael placing my bag in a trunk of a Mercedes. My feet walked towards him and I placed my bag in the trunk.

"Sit beside me" he demanded me. I did as he said and sat down in the passenger seat. He started the car and if I wouldn't be getting kidnapped right now I would love that sound.

The car ride was weird and awkward. I felt his eyes burning at me from time to time. I curled up against the door and watched as the city passed us by. It was beautiful with all of the lights.

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