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"Sweetheart..." my body froze as his Italian accent filled my ear. I didn't answer at first I only listened to his breathing as my whole body trembled.

"W-What do you want?" I eventually said with a shaking voice. My mind imagined his lips forming into a smirk.

He was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke.

"You" he said in a flirty voice. He caught me off guard and the fear I've recently felt turned into anger.

"Well you can't" I said between my teeth. I heard him chuckle.

"I have two things I need to talk to you about" he then said with a more serious voice.

"What. Do. You. Want" I said with a clearly irritated voice. Can he just leave me alone! I rolled my eyes and scratched my forehead. 

"Calm down. First of all you didn't answer my question the other day. I know you had a fiancé that's why I ended up kidnapping you. But you don't happen to have any one new?" His Italian voice was so interesting to listen to even though he made my blood boil.

Yet again he caught me off guard. Why does he care? Apart of me wanted to lie and say yes, but sadly I didn't.

"No" I simply answered sounding less angry.

"Hmm...good. Now to the important thing. I am going to give you a choice, Emma." I felt myself getting calmer by his voice.

"I want you to come live with me so you can help me with medical stuff that you're so good at" He want me to what now? Never in his wildest dreams.

"After loosing you I realised how much I needed you." He got quiet. I didn't dare to speak. What's his problem?

"Either you move in voluntarily, you get to celebrate Christmas with your family, you'll have luxury at my place, you get to meet your friends and go to work."

I don't think the other alternative is that nice. My eyes started watering.

"Or, I'll have my men, who's outside your parents place to come get you right now and there will be no luxury, friends or work" He sounded dead serious.

I really don't have a choice but to move in with him. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I really don't want to live with him even if I choose the more freedom alternative. My free hand covered my mouth.

But I'm not stupid. I understand that I have to choose something or else he will do my last option.

"I-I'll move in voluntarily" I sobbed into my phone.

"Great I'll meet you when you get home" I could feel his smirk through my phone and then the call ended.

My knees hit the white carpet on the floor along with my iPhone. I started to sob into my hands.

I knew it wasn't over. It felt too good to be true when he let me go. I just don't understand why he didn't kidnap me again.

Why make me choose?

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