Planning a Date

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Noah: *Sees Laura and walks up to her* Hi Babe

Laura: Oh hi Noah *kisses him on the cheek then smiles*

Noah: *blushes* So Laura I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with all of our friends.

Laura: By all of our friends do you mean the 4 other friends that we have *laughs*

Noah: *laughs along* Yeah thats what I meant. See thats one of the many qualities I like about you.

Laura: What that I can make just about any sentence and make a joke out of it?

Noah: Yeah you always make me laugh!!!! XD

*Maia and Ross walk up holding hands and smiling*

Laura: Well you two look happy

Maia: We are

Ross: Yeah we were just elected best chemestry partners for period 4

Laura/Noah: Thats awesome!!!

Noah: So Iwas just talking to Laura and I was wondering if you would like to join us to have fun day just to hang out?

Maia/Ross: Yeah sure sounds like fun is it just gonna be us four

Laura: Oh no we were planing on inviting Calum and Rani

Ross: Oh hell yeah if Calum's going Im going

Maia: Oh so you don't care that your girlfriend is going?

Ross: But. I-I didnt. No. tha-thats not

Maia: oh shut up already i was kidding

Ross: oh good I had a mini heart attack

All: *laugh*

Noah: If any of you see Rani or Calum can you ask them if you don't see them Ill ask them during lunch.

All exept Noah: ok see you at lunch

* they all go there seperate ways to their different classes*

*At lunch*

Ross: Hi everyone!!!

Everyone but Ross: Hi

Laura: Calum and Rani did anyone tell you about what we are doing

Calum and Rani: Yeah they did and sure sounds like fun

Ross: Um... When will it be exactly

Noah: oh um what about Saturday

Laura: You mean tomorrow

Noah: Shut up and yes tomorrow

All but Noah: Yeah I can do tomorrow

*Bell rings*

Raia goes to Algebra 1; Noura goes to Chemistry; Calum goes to P.E; Rani goes to A.P French"

* In Algebra*

Maia: ( whispers) Ross imma go to the bathroom wait ten seconds after then ask I'll wait for you.

Ross:(whispers) OK

Maia: Mrs. Blac can I go to the bathroom

Mrs. Blac: yes

*ten secs later*

Ross: can I go to the restroom

Mrs. Blac: OK

* outside Maia andRoss walk to the bathroom*

Ross: why did we come out here

Maia: so I can do this (kisses him)

Ross: (kisses back)

Raia: (has a five min make out sesh)

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