Hospital Part Two

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*the doctor takes them to Laura's room*

Ross:  (gasps then smiles because she's happy she's alive)

Vanessa: (looks at ross and whispers) Why are you smiling about? Can you see up her gown

Ross: (whispers) what no I'm just happy she is alive

Vanessa: mmhhm sure

Ross:(playfully rolls his eyes)

Laura: (wakes up slowly)

Ross: your awake!

Laura: and you are?

Ross: It's me Ross

Laura: I don't know a Ross

Ross: (gets hurt) (whispers) she doesn't remember me

Damiano: Laura honey that's Ross he is like your best friend

Laura: I don't think I would forget my best friend and who you callin' honey I don't even know you

Ellen: Baby that's your dad

Laura: And you are?

Vanessa: Laur that's our mom and I'm your sister Vanessa

Laura: I honestly don't think I would forget my best friend or my family

Ross: How do you not remember us

Laura: Oh I do (smiles) (points to everyone as she says their name and age to prove) Your Ross Lynch age 19, Your Vanessa Marano age 22, your Ellen Marano age...

Ellen: that doesn't have to be said

Damiano: Neither does mine

Ross: Laura how could you. You scared me

Vanessa: correction you scared us!

Laura: Ok I'm sorry I just wanted to have some fun

Doctor: (walks in) is not a good time

Ellen: No its fine

Doctor: Okay well she is cleared to go home she just has to take it easy for one or two days and rest

Laura: yay I can get out of this place!!!!

Ross: Don't worry we'll make sure she rests


Hey guys so how was it. I will start to write the next chapter now and I'll have it up hopefully by the end of today! Also I wanna thank you guys for reading this book it means a lot!!! XD Not trying to be pushy but it would mean a lot more if you could vote for my story!! thank you and Love you <3

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