Day of Rest

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Laura: I wanna go to the park

Ross: Baby we can't you have to rest

Laura: But I don't wanna

Ross: you don't have a choice your parents are gone at work and I need to take care of you

Laura: Fiiine But can we at least go to my room

Ross: sure (starts walking to Laura's room)

Laura: Ross wait can you carry me (pouts)

Ross: Sure baby (picks her up bridal style)

Laura: yay! And Rossy not that I mind but since when am I 'baby'

Ross: Well I just assumed since we both like each other we were boyfriend and girlfriend and if we are then that's what I'll call you

Laura: Ok Boyfriend. boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend I like the sound of that

Ross: (chuckles) Haha look who's quoting " Austin and Ally"

Laura: (laughs) ok well it's not my fault we did do that show for 3 years almost 4

Ross: your so funny (yawns)

Laura: is my baby boy tired

Ross: yes he is can we take a nap

Laura: sure I'm getting sleepy too

Raura: (fall asleep in each others arms)

Rani:*calls Laura to apologize about the other day*

Laura: (hears her phone) why I just fell asleep (answers her phone) Hello?

Rani: hey Laura

Laura: Oh hey Rani

Rani: Laura I called you to apologize for the other day

Laura: Oh its fine

Rani: wanna go to the park

Laura: I would love to but can't I just got out of the hospital and I have to rest plus Ross is being really protective

Rani: If you don't mind me asking are you two a thing

Laura: Yeah

Rani: yay finally

Laura: what do you mean 'finally'

Rani: Well me and Calum have been dying for you two to become a couple

Laura: Oh haha speaking of you and Calum how are you doing couple wise

Rani: Omg awesome he took me out on a date and we kinda had 'it'


Ross: huh what happened

Laura: Oh nothing baby I'm on the phone with Rani go back to sleep

Rani: umm... yeah?

Laura: why do you question it

Rani: I dont want you to be mad so yeah

Laura: I'm not mad I'm happy for you two

Rani: Okay well don't tell Calum I told you

Laura: I won't but I have one question

Rani: sure anything

Laura: Did you two use protection

Rani: (blushes) (laughs) Yeah and you can't see but I just blushed soooooo hard

Laura: (laughs) Well I'm gonna let you go so you two can do your thing

Rani: Laura I'm not that horny

Laura: (laughs)

Rani: Well bye see you tomorrow I hope you feel better

Laura: Thanks see you tomorrow
*hangs up*

* Ross and Laura do nothing but sleep and watch movies all day*

Hey so how was the chapter? I know it was kinda boring but the next chapter will be much better☺ well bye!

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