Where am I??

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Ross' POV:

I woke super bright lights. I saw about 11 people around me. I groaned from the loud noises and the bright lights that were causing me to have a massive headache. Everyone turned and looked at me and two if them smiled. All I can manage to say is "Where am I?" One of the people smiled and said "Hi Rossy. How are you feeling?"

"Like c**p" I respond.

"Oh well this will help." Another lady who looked like a nurse said. She put something in my I.V. After I saw her I realize I was in a hospital. " Where's Laura" I yelled once I remembered what had happened. "Oh sweetie, she's fine. " a woman who looked and sounded like my mom said. "What happened to her?"

" that's what we are trying to figure out she had scar marks on her face and stomach. And she also had gotten a knock on the head which caused her to pass out." Rydel (I'm assuming) said.    

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