Junklord x Male Reader - "Just Kidding"

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'I probably just broke the world record for worst day ever,' y/n thought cynically as he entered his room. 'I need to contact Genius'

It was nearing midnight, and all he wanted to do was go to bed. 'At least tomorrow's a Saturday,' he tried to reassure himself, but deep down, he wished his family never had moved from his old town.

Y/n's father had gotten an "incredible business opportunity" (as his mother liked to phrase it), resulting in their move to Maryland.

Y/n couldn't see anything "incredible" about their new town. That's saying something considering he set his expectations about as low as they could get the moment he heard the city was named "Herkleston."

'Sounds like an STD," he thought as he changed into his pajamas. He was too tired for a shower, though after the events of today, he really needed one. He decided he'd just get one in the morning.

As he claimed into bed, y/n thought about the events that had lead him to such a sour mood. It just seemed like nothing could go right.

His parents had decided it would be a  good idea for him to attend school that Friday, so he could learn where his classes we're, and potentially meet some new friends.

Y/n didn't know why he couldn't just wait until Monday, but his parents heavily insisted he went, so he didn't argue. In retrospect, he really wished he had. 'Hindsight is 2020, I suppose,' he thought caustically.

From the moment y/n woke up, it seemed as if the course was set for him to have a bad day.

He had awoken 20 minutes late school, causing him to get dressed and rush to school in a panic. He had never peddled his bike faster than he did that morning. He couldn't be late on his first day.

Barrelling through the hallways at school, y/n frantically looked from door to door. 'I can't find my first period class.'

The realization set in like a boulder weighing on his chest. He didn't not want to have to walk into class late. 'Because then, when I walk in the door, everyone's gonna turn around and look at me, and they're gonna stare and then theywillallpointandlau—"

"You okay there, little man?"

Y/n turned around to a very strange sight. There was a teenager, a few years older than him, looking at him with concern. That was what was strange, but a teenage boy showing genuine concern was a little peculiar.

The strange part was how he dressed. He wore slide on shoes, gray jogging pants, viking-style helmet, and a cape. No shirt.

Before y/n had time to ponder about the schools seemingly lenient dress code, the young adult continued, "You look a little lost. This your first day?"

Suddenly remembering he was being spoken to, y/n stumbled out, "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday. I can't find my first period class. My schedule says it's on D hall, but I don't really know where that is."

Taking y/n's schedule and examining it, the strange teenager suddenly looked like he was attending a funeral.

"Ah man, you got Mr. Cox first period..." he stated solemnly. "Good luck, little bro."

Not quite sure what that meant, (and not quite sure he wanted to know), he gave the teen a confused look.

"Mr Cox is a notorious asshole," he explained. "And you are late to his class, so you are about to experience that first hand. His last name is quite fitting, if you catch my drift."

Grabbing y/n's shoulder, leading him further down the hall, he continued, "Anyways, you were heading the right direction, his class is just a little further this way."

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