Jason x Gender Neutral Reader (Platonic) - Partners in Crime

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To say Jason had never been more bored in his life would be an understatement. He felt as if he was withering away, sitting in his 3rd period algebra class.

It felt as if everytime he glanced at the clock it was 5 minutes before the previous time he looked. He swore time passed slower in this classroom. 'I should have Wren and Faraday test that theory,' he thought as he tried to force himself to actually pay attention to the lesson.

Tapping his foot, urging the clock to move, he looked around the room at his classmates. Eliza was passing notes to Jane, probably gossiping. JP was picking his nose, as usual. Toman was playing finger football with Aaron, muttering "A.K.A" under his breath constantly. George was reading. Craig was coloring he is map (he caught himself smiling at that, but he would never admit it to anyone).

'Seems like no one else can concentrate either.'

Still, his teacher droned on about sin, tan, and cos, seemingly not taking a breath. Everyone hated this class, and a large part of why was because of the aforementioned teacher.

His name was Mr. Cox.

When Jason first learned his name, he thought it was unfortunate. When Jason learned his first name was Harry, he thought it was comical. And now that Jason had gotten the chance to know him, he thought the name was fitting.

Mr. Cox was known for being an asshole. He wrote detention slips every chance he got, he would openly ridicule anyone who got a bad grade on his tests, and he always goes out of his way to embarrass people when possible. Worst of all, he was known to be ableist, racist, and sexist; yet the school refuses to fire him because he coached a football team that won nationals years ago.

Just as Jason was about to dose off, his phone buzzed in his pocket.

'Finally-' he smiled to himself, '-an escape from this hell.'

Sneaking his phone under his desk, looking to see who is savior was. The notification read the name "Sib from another Crib." His face lit up, recognizing it was a message from y/n. Grinning at the screen, he read her message, and began typing:

Sib From Another Crib:
Hey, meet me near the water fountains  on C hall. I have special plans :)))

Brace Face:
Are these 'We're just gonna talk plans,' or are they 'We're gonna be in detention until graduation day plans?'

Sib From Another Crib:
>>:)))) 🎓🎓🎓

Jason rolled his eyes playfully at their antics. He raised his hand, and after what seemed like forever, Mr. Cox finally called on him.

"Can I use the bathroom?" he asked with no intentions of actually going to the bathroom.

"I don't know, can you?" the Mr. Cox said in response, smugly, voice oozing with mocking intent.

'Man I really hate this guy,' Jason thought with distain.

"Indeed I can, and I suppose I could show you, but I really don't think either of us wants that," Jason retorted, smirk evident on his face.

A majority of his classmates laughed behind their hands, trying not to show their amusement as they didn't want to incur the wrath of their teacher. Except for Toman. Toman howled with laughter, pointing openly at the educator.

Sheepishly, for the first time in his life, Mr. Cox muttered, "Go ahead," before turning back to the whiteboard.

Getting up from his seat, Jason walked to the door, accepting a rare high five from George, and a fist bump from Toman on his way out.

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