Omar x Maya - Loving You's a Good Problem to Have

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They must have been about 9 or 10 years old. Omar wasn't sure. That fact came as a surprise to him considering how much he thought about that day. He thought about it everytime he thought of Maya. Which was a lot, he hated to admit. Just about every waking second.

He remembers it like it was yesterday...

He was hanging out at his normal spot in the creek, waiting for Maya to finally show up. It was taking her a little while longer to arrive than it normally did, and Omar was getting anxious. What if she got lost, or fell in a hole, or is injured somewhere, waiting for help?

He surprised himself with how worried he was. He cared about her more than he realized. 'And look where that got me,' he thought cynically as he reflected on the memory.

Just when Omar was about to go look for Maya, she pushed through the bushes into their private clearing.

"Thank god, I thought you might have gotten lost or something!" Omar exclaimed once he spotted her.

"You'd have to be either stupid, crazy, or both to get lost going somewhere you visit every day," Maya replied with a playful smile. "Sounds like something you'd do actually."


"I was just kidding," Maya continued, punching Omar's shoulder. "Plus, I like that you have a few screws loose."

"Well, lucky for you, I'm pretty sure I've lost my screwdriver," Omar quipped back with a smile. "Hey, whatcha got there?"

Maya was carrying a baseball bat, and a bag.

"A magic dragon," she said sarcastically, setting the items down.

"Okay, dumb question," Omar said rolling his eyes. "But, for real, why do you have a baseball bat?"

"Use that pea-sized brain of yours for once. I wanna join the baseball team."

"Huh?" Omar exclaimed. Maya had never shown any remote interest in sports, so this revelation shocked him. "What brought this on?"

"My dad took me to see the championship a few weeks ago, and Ive kind of been obsessed with baseball ever since," Maya explained. "I know we still have a couple of months until try outs, but I figured it's never too early to start practicing."

Picking up her bat, Maya gave a few test swings. "The thing is, I've got no one to practice with." Maya continued, dejectedly. Then, her eyes lit up.

Suddenly excited, Maya asked, "Hey, didn't you play baseball a few years ago?"

"Yeah, but it's been a long ti—"

"Teach me!" Maya cut him off in her excitement. "You're the only person I have to practice with!"

"I don't think that's a good id—"

He cut himself off when he saw her face. Those bright, excited eyes dimmed with his every word, beautiful smile falling too. He decided right then and there that he never wanted to see her upset ever again.

"Alright," he said. "I'll throw you a couple of pitches. Do you have a ball?"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Maya exclaimed as she dug in her bag, looking for a ball.

"Smart choice," Maya stated, tossing him the ball. "It's not a good idea to deny someone when they're holding a baseball bat."

"Alright smarty-pants, get over there so I can throw you some pitches," Omar said, pointing to a spot about 15 feet away. "And for that comment I might accidentally hit you with a few of the pitches."

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