chapter nine: friends, group calls, and smoothies

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Tiffany's POV

I snicker silently as Ethan stumbled over his words. I extend my hand, gently tapping the end call button. I lean back in the luxurious leather seat, trying to recall the last time I was in Ethan's car. He immediately turns to me, placing his phone back into the cup holder.

"Aspen is going to kill me now. What the fuck did you just do?" He spits out.

"Calm down. She needs your money remember? Trust me, she'll stay no matter what" I point out harshly. It was just the truth. He just needed to open his eyes and realise it.

"But that's none of your concern. Now I need to go smooth this over by probably buying her that dumb bracelet." He enters the gates of my house, before parking behind my fountain. He leans back in his seat, his hands covering his eyes. I undo my seatbelt, and I hop out of his car.

"Have fun in the doghouse Ethan." I mock him, throwing a wink over my shoulder. I dig through my purse, trying to find my keys. As soon as I feel the familiar cool metal, I open the door, throwing the keys on the table beside the potted fern. I take my heels off, carrying them in my hand to my room. I enter my closet, putting my shoes in it's specific spot and I remove the contents of my purse, neatly organizing everything.

"Tiffany? Do you want anything to eat hun?" Camila's voice echoes through my room. I step out of my closet.

"I'll pass for tonight, I just went out to dinner." I reply with, absentmindedly wiping my makeup off.

"Who'd you go out with?" Camila asks curiously. I make eye contact with myself in my vanity mirror.

"Ethan." I reply with curtly.

"That's great Tiffany! Are you two getting back together? I remember the night he dumped you, you were s-," I cut her off by shooting daggers at her silently from across my room. Camila blushes and looks down.

"Right. Sorry boo boo." As she exits my room, I let out a sigh of relief. Camila used to be the biggest Ethiffany shipper out there. Sometimes she got a little too overbearing but hey, we at least always had someone that was willing to take photos.

I go back into my closet and I take out an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I go into my bathroom and I take a quickly shower. I dry myself off and I change into my comfy pajamas. I grab my phone and I plop myself down onto my comfy bed. I scroll through my social media and even stalk a few people. As I reply to a few texts I'm interrupted by a incoming call from Brooklyn. I press answer.


"Tiffany I'm so fucking sorry for ditching you earlier. It's just," Brooklyn pauses for a bit. "Blake Winters texted me and he is just so fucking gorgeous so I just couldn't help myself. Please forgive me." she rushes.

"Brooklyn, it's fine. Plus the amount of time I ditched you for hookups is crazy. I totally understand." I wasn't really all that upset at her. Atleast I got to spend a bit of time with Ethan. Wait did I just think that.

"Ok moving on, I need to add Ella and Amber in this call! I have to tell you all about it."

"Hey." Two voices chime at the same time. Ella and Amber were pretty much long lost twins. They looked the same, dressed the same, talked at the same time, heck they even shared a boyfriend once. Didn't turn out very well.

"Ok guys before we get off topic like usual, guess who I just hooked up with?" Brooklyn squeals excitedly.

"Who?" Amber and Ella both ask at the same time.

"Blake fucking Winters. He said I was the best he ever had. Sorry Tiffany." Brooklyn gushes. Should I bring up the fact Blake is practically blowing my phone up right now asking to come over? Nah, I'll let Brooklyn have her moment. The four of us babble onto the night, talking about the most random things until we all pass out, still staying on the line. How long has it been since we've done this?

I wake up to annoying persistent sound of beeping. I slam the off button on my alarm and I groggily stand up. I rub my eyes before heading to my bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face with cleanser and apply my moisturizer. I head over to my vanity and I apply heavy layers of my foundation and concealer. I lightly dust some setting powder and bronzer on certain parts of my face and I fill my eyebrows in. Once I manage to even it out, I draw on my eyeliner and I apply my mascara. I go through my closet, finding white lace bralette top, solid black high waisted shorts and a simple pair of Louboutins to top it off.

"Tiffany! Breakfast is ready." Camila chimes in from outside my room. I head down the stairs carefully, trying not to fall flat on my face. My heels clink against the kitchen's marble floor, signalling my arrival.

"Morning boo boo, the chef made your favourite! Chicken and waffles."

"I'm in kind of rush Camila, can you just make me a smoothie or something." Camila quickly prepares my drink and she pours it into a travel cup. As I pack my bag, my phone rings loudly from my purse. I zip it open and I read the caller ID. Brooklyn.


"Meet at Ella's as fast as you can. We're ditching." Brooklyn promptly hangs up. I get into my car and I drive to Ella's house. My phone rings once again. I answer on speakerphone without blinking an eye.

"What is it now Brooklyn?"

"Wrong person. Check your caller ID next time." Ethan says snarkily.

"Ok let's try this again. What is it now Ethan?"

On the other line, Ethan lets out a sigh.

"Can you take me to Cartier afterschool?"

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