Chapter 1: Spring

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"Let's ride, boys!"

Over the winter, Vi gained her adult look. For someone exiting adolescence, she was handsome and mellow, and she had gained more confidence.

"Wahoo!" Mylo shouted. They got on the log. Vi was in front followed by Mylo, Victor, and Claggor. They had practiced countless times throughout the cold period. When the snow first appeared, the experience was horrible. Known as the Great Blizzard, it killed many wolves. The Omegas sought to suppress their grief, distracting themselves by doing what they did best: playing hard. The cold season was ending. There was no space for sadness. When it came to logsledding, also known as logboarding, they quickly became experts.

This time around, the snow on the hills had melted, and they wanted to try their new skills on rougher terrain. They hadn't logsled on heated dry ground since the fall. There was one thing all of them knew would come with a warmer environment. No snow meant no soft crashes. They were entering the big leagues.

Things started off promising. All the Omegas did their thing, and the enjoyable rush returned. By this point, each of them had a role. Vi was their eyes. She kept a lookout for any obstacles in their way. Mylo was the processor. Vi would announce the situation, and Mylo would take the information and decide on a course of action. Sometimes Vi would recommend a course of action, and Mylo would simply do it. She was also the main steerer. Her long legs always obliged.Victor  didn't do much when logboarding aside from assisting Mylo. He was the wolf who managed everything else; he was the brains of the operation. Victor kept track of weather conditions, scouted for suitable slopes, and always thought of new techniques. His small size didn't allow him to do much on the log. Claggor, who was much older and bigger than the rest of them, was the emergency wolf. Since he sat on the back end of the log, he could use his size to slow the log down if needed.

"Angle left! Thirty degrees!" Vi recommended. The wolves behind her leaned left. The log then went over a few bumps that made it shake a bit. They needed to regain control. "Mylo, give us some sail draft!" Mylo stood on his hind legs and spread out his arms.

"I think I taste the wind," said Mylo, trying to be amusing. "Err... Nah... Just a bug." He spat it out.

They then approached a ledge that would surely send the Omegas to the moon.

"Hey, Claggor! Get ready! Lower the boom!"

Claggor was way ahead of Vi. He stretched his back end until it protruded from the back of the log. He then slammed his butt against the ground while making sure he didn't fall off. The force dramatically lowered their speed. The log proceeded to shoot from the ledge in a much safer manner. In the one second in mid-air, the Omegas made various poses that took a great deal of skill to do.

"Alright!" Claggor exclaimed.

Once they were back on Earth, Vi thought there was something they needed to improve.

"Hey, guys, we really need to work on the—" A boulder suddenly came into view. "BRAKES!" Her friends were confused.

Brakes?" they said in unison. Why did they need to work on that? They all looked ahead and shared Vi's concern. In no time, the log hit the boulder and every wolf was flung forward. Vi landed on the ground, Mylo landed on Vi, and Victor landed on Mylo.

"Wolf pile!" a voice echoed. A second later, Claggor squashed them

"Oof! Get your butt outta' my face!" said Victor.

"What did we hit?" said Mylo. He then shook his head.

Vi stood up and looked at her surroundings. The grass was green. The birds were chirping. The butterflies were flying. It meant only one thing.

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