The placment match

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Their is one placement match every few months or maybe even longer to see who will be in the next Apex Games as a legend.

I was already well known so if I was able to be in the bloodsport then I would already have a headstart with my fame. But the fortune I have is from being tested on and interviewed.

So you must wonder why I would be participating in somthing so gruesome as the apex games. Well I really am tired from life. If my life is to be a lab rat and only be known as the girl who came back to life. Then I'm done with it.

My initial plan was to be a elite pilot for Gridiron but that hit a stop recently.

So now I want to join the games and purposely not survive.

With only 30 seconds left before me and 59 other participants drop into a apex arena to fight. I get my jump kit on, my grenades, and stand in the designated spot to be lowered from the drop ship then slowly decend with the boosters.

The arena we're being dropping into is the one known as world's edge.

The hotspot is this small block of tall buildings with high tier loot. Obviously I'm gonna go there but to a less active building next to the train station.

I run in and go up stairs so I can avoid cross fire from the others in my building. I see a peacekeeper with 2 stacks of ammo. I quickly loot up and am glad I have a good weapon at the start. I run up one more level and see a RE-45 with lots of ammo and a 1x.

I run down the flights of stairs and shotgun the closest guy which killed him and another one who busted the door down. I loot their boxes for ammo, equipment, and heals.

With 2 kills under my belt I go look for more loot so I can be better prepared.

I get a blue shield and trade my pistol for a alternator. I put the 1x on my shotgun and just use the iron sights on the light weapon.

I run away from the hot drop and go to many other high tier loot locations and also utilize crafting so I can be the best of the best.

I already have a purple shield and a fully kitted out peacekeeper. And thanks to this care package I have a volt smg. It's the strongest smg ever since it a care package weapon now and not ground loot.

I drop all my ammo and stuff for lethal grenades.

As the ring gets smaller I try to evade others and 3rd party to stay alive but once it's just 1 other person. That's where I shine.

I was just walking around and looking when I hear a gunshot then blackness takes over my vision. It soon turns to pink and I'm back. I look where I heard the shot and see the dude looking at me with a kraber and in confusion.

I go behind cover and use my healing mist while shielding up.

Once I'm fully reader I peek and go back in cover to bait his shot and once he falls for my trap I sprint to him and shoot energy bullets at him. His incoherent dodging somehow saved him a bit but my shotgun blew his head off.

A drop ship is flying for me and I see the far away drones recording me. I just blank stare at it.


I was staring off into space when the drop ship has landed and the back us opened up.

The wind from the engines and turbines makes my hair fly everywhere. On the helipad waiting for me is the man, myth, and legend. Cuban Blisk. My new boss.

Once the drop ship is completely off be says.

"Ello love, welcome to the apex tower. This will be your new home." We shake hands and then enter a elevator. While it's decending he explains where my dorm is, with all the others, and what my benefits are now as a legend. As fast as I met him he left just a quick.

I enter dorm with my name ingraved on a metal plaque next to said door and look inside.

It looks like a normal high class hotel room but it's all mine. Theirs a kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms but also a personal gym.

'Maybe it's for antisocial people like me.'

Theirs a terrace watching over the city and I spend all day watching the sun set until it's time for bed and my first real apex game tomorrow.

Apex legends x Female OC readerWhere stories live. Discover now