27. Long Lost Twin pt.3

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva

Since then the golden trio and y/n became best friends

Before 6th year

Lucius: Draco! I have heard y/n is hanging out with Potter, make sure she stays away from them or else she will know the truth about her

Draco: I will try father

6th year

Y/n: Bye draco, I am going to study with the trio

Draco: Y/n wait! Let's go to hogsmead, you are already at the top of the class, you don't need to study! We will even get your favorite chocolate

Y/n: sorry draco, but I already promised them maybe another time

Draco: wait y/n-

Y/n: Bye

"Why does draco always act like this when I go out with them? Is there something I don't know? Probably just because they are not dealth eaters" y/n thought

After dumbledore's death

Harry: its all my fault, I shouldn't have called snape, I knew something was going on

Y/n: Harry it's not your fault, must have been something else

Hermione: let's go check dumbledore's office maybe he left soemthing there

Ron: yeah lets go

Dumbledore's office

Harry: there is nothing in here

Hermione: what is this? It says "For harry and y/n potter"

Y/n: 'y/n potter'?

Harry: its a memory

Ron: I think you should look in, maybe there is smthing useful

Y/n: yeah

"Y/n and Harry Potter, long lost twins defeat voldemort" y/n read from he news headlines

"We are twins?" Said harry
"That explains why I have a similar scar as you"
"Y/n, there are some pictures, it must be us with mom and dad"
"I look so much like mom, harry"

After the memory ended, they told ron and hermione about everything and confronted draco. That's when draco told them about everything that has happened and how she wasn't actually a malfoy but a potter

Draco: I had to keep it a secret so the dark lord won't kill you, y/n please you have to come back to the manor

Harry: she will be staying with me now

Y/n: Draco I know you care about me, but I can't betray my own twin and go with the death eaters I am sorry, tell mom and dad that I know everything now

Draco: y/n, I will miss you

Y/n: I will miss you too, draco

Y/n and draco hug for the last time before y/n goes towards the order

A/n: Hope you liked it. I have thought to add an extra part just for fun. A comment and vote will be appreciated.
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