31. (James Potter) Friends to Lovers pt.1 (requested)

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva

Y/n: Griffindor, same year as marauders, thinks fo Sirius as a brother figures

Marauders includes James, Sirius , Remus and y/n

y/m/n - is your marauder name like prongs, padfoot and moony

Friends to Lovers

Y/n has always been loved by everybody at hogwarts, she just had a liking personality but there was somebody who she was really close with 'The Marauders'

She loved pranks as much as them, she loved cause mischief, she loved seeing people confused, she loved the marauders and was even a part of it

5th year

"The way Lucius' blonde hair turned into neon green, it was hilarious" says Sirius in between his laughs

"Right padfoot, told ya it would be a good idea" said James

"Y/m/n what did you think of the prank?"

Just when y/n was about to answer someone interrupted her

"Mister potter, Mister Black and Mister Lupin why did you turn Mister malfoy's hair green" Mcgonagall shrieked

There was silence

"Detention for you all"

"But minnie it was a good prank" said y/n

"Do you want Detention too?"

"Absolutely not"


A/n: Hope you liked it. A comment and vote will be appreciated

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