41. Silent Love pt.2

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva

Y/n was on the verge of tears now. She ran to the nearest classroom because she didn't want anyone to see her like this.

She was crying.... badly crying

"Who's there?" A voice said

"Leave" y/n shouted in a husky voice

The man enter in the room anyways

Y/n looked up to see the slytherin princess looking at her.

Y/n knew he was gonna make fun of her so she started to walk out, but draco held her arm.

"What's wrong?"

No reply

"I said what's wrong?"

"Harry and his friends" y/n said in a soft voice

"What did potter do?"

"I-I don't have anyone, I am al alone, they keep on excluding me from everything" she said while crying

"Be my girlfriend?"


"What, What?"

"You just met me?"

"I have been looking to talk to you for a very long time but you are always with Potter and his pathetic friends"

"Well- I would love to be your girlfriend"

Draco just smiled
"But what about harry? If he finds out he will be furious"

"I can convince Professor Snape to make us potion patners"

"That would be great!"

A/n: Hope you liked it. A comment and vote will be appreciated

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