The Boy That Pries

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“Scar!” Slurred. Angry. Loud. Very loud.

It’s a tone of voice I know all too well and my whole body tenses when I hear Him clambering through the doorway. My heart thumps wildly in my chest as I read the blinking 3:42 from my alarm clock.

“Scarlett!” His voice is much louder than before and I can tell He is mad I didn’t answer Him the first time around.

I scramble off of our bed as quickly as possible and practically sprint out of the bedroom, not because I want to see Him, but because I have to. I silently curse myself for having these kinds of thoughts –I love Him. He’s everything. Of course I want to see him.

As soon as I turn the corner into the foyer I know I’m in for a long night. He is leaning against the door, brown locks disheveled, body almost completely drenched in sweat, and glazed over eyes slightly tinted in red as they meet mine.

Not only is He drunk, it’s apparent He took something.

We had gotten into an argument earlier because I had left the apartment without telling Him while He was at work. Those are two things I don’t usually do; leave the apartment, and argue with Him. It never ends well and I should’ve known that by now.

However, instead of His usual retaliation, He had stomped out of the apartment to drown his sorrows with a colleague. I was happy to escape his wrath then, but seeing Him now filled my stomach with dread.

“It’s time for your punishment, darling.”

Those simple words have blood turning to ice in my veins and a soft whimper to fall from my lips. His form of punishment had nothing to do with kinky adventures in the bedroom. No, this form of punishment would have me limping for days for all the wrong reasons.

“Please, don’t,” I squeak out as He takes a wobbly step forward, “I-I’m sorry. I was just so hungry –you forgot to buy groceries, so-“

“So, it’s my fault you disobeyed me?” His eyes blaze dangerously and I am quick to shake my head.

“No! Of course not-“

“Maybe you should have reminded me. I’m the one that works twelve hours a day to support your ungrateful ass. The least you could do is remind me of a simple task, not go out and probably fuck whoever you-“

“I would never! I love you, only you! I swear I just wanted food! H-how could-“

“Don’t you dare interrupt me!” His voice booms, the sounds reverberating through the walls and causing me to cower back in fear, my mouth snapping shut.

I don’t dare say another word because I know it is pointless. I have pushed Him way too far today and I know I will be punished. The thought of it makes my stomach churn with fear and I can feel hot tears trail down my face. I don’t make a sound, though. It will only aggravate Him further.

“Don’t cry, darling.” He coos, gentle hands cupping my cheeks to wipe away my tears, “You make me do this, you know? No matter how many times I teach you, you continue to disobey me. I don’t enjoy this at all –you make me do this.”

I choke back a sob and nod my head silently. He’s right. I try so hard not to do anything to aggravate Him, yet I still manage to. This is my fault, I need to learn. My eyes open to meet His glazed over eyes just before He slams His lips to mine.

He tastes like whiskey and anger, but I don’t hesitate to meet His lips with equal fervor. It doesn’t shoot fire up my veins anymore though, just fear.

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