The Girl that I Scare

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Four days.

Four days since I've heard any interesting facts. Four days since I heard that lilting laugh. Four days since I've seen flashes of red and flecks of jade. Four days since I last saw Layla.

It feels like a lifetime.

I go to the café every morning and every afternoon when I get off work, but she is never there –Eliza said that she's sick. But, I know better. I've knocked on her door a few times only to be greeted with silence, but I know she's there.

I scared her. I actually scared her. The look in her eyes... I just knew. I knew that I had really fucked up when I saw how terrified she was... How she looked at me... It made me feel like a monster.

And my stomach has been filled with dread ever since.

It was stupid and rash, but when I saw that guy's hand on her body –a body that didn't liked to be touched, especially by strangers- I swear I saw red. And then the things he said... I couldn't control myself. I don't think I even would've stopped if it wasn't for Niall telling me that I was scaring Layla.

The thought had instantly chilled the fire in my veins and filled them with ice. And that ice has settled deep into my bones since I saw her run from the bar in fear.

I may not know why my violent act had frightened her as much as it did, but I know how skittish she is, how fearful of any human contact. And I showed her that I could be the type of angry person that could beat someone.

The thought left a bad taste in mouth.

"Stop sulking, would ya?"

The Irish brogue pulls me from my pity party and I shoot Niall a glare as he pretends not to notice, sipping my coffee. Eliza watches us carefully, looking extremely bothered, but staying silent.

"I'm not sulking, you prat. 'Mm just worried, is all." I try to hide my flushed cheeks as I snatch back my coffee, avoiding Eliza's watchful eye as she stands behind the counter, hands on her hips.

"It's only been a few days and you're acting like she's dead. When, I know for a fact that it's been a full week since you last saw Jaime and you don't seem too bothered by that?"

The reminder makes my stomach drop and guilt instantly fills me. I am such a shit boyfriend. I've chatted with her a few times and planned to hang out with her yesterday, but after what happened at the bar... I just haven't felt up for it. But, I'll make it up to her. I always do.

"Don't worry about me and Jaime. We're fine."

"Seriously, Haz. What is going on with you and Layla?" Eliza finally speaks for the first time since I showed up at the café and I try to ignore my increasing heartbeat at her question.

"What d'ya mean? We're friends." The term felt strange on my tongue.

"You obviously like her, Harry. So, why are you still with Jaime?"

"I don't like her!" I snap way too quickly, instantly flushing, "I like her as a friend. And I like Jaime as more than a friend and it is as simple as that."

Niall shakes his head from next to me and Eliza just rolls her eyes, busying herself by wiping down the counters. For some reason, their blatant disregard for my denial angers me and I find myself struggling to stay calm.

"You obviously don't agree."

Eliza tosses the towel onto the counter and levels me with an unamused glare, "Yeah, I don't. I'm not blind –I see the way you look at her. Niall even tells me that you've been drawing her?"

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