The next morning the bell of Abhi's home rings, he wakes up from his already disturbed sleep and goes to open the door. His mom was standing at the door, he hugs her as soon as he sees her "Mumma". She smiles and hugs him back "Aww my baby missed me", he nods burying his face into her shoulder.
He backs off from the hug and let's her in, she goes to put all her things in her room while he makes tea for her. She sits down in the living room sipping her tea while Abhi lies down on her lap, she caresses his hair "Didn't you sleep well Abhi", he shakes his head "I couldn't sleep Maa", she keeps running her hand through his hair "What happened my baby".
He looks at her "Sahana started telling me about her past.. her ex-husband.. I couldn't get her tear filled eyes out of my brain.. he also came to Dev's birthday yesterday.. after hearing what he did I felt like.. do such people exist..", she looks at him "What did he do". He looks elsewhere "He wanted her to get rid of the baby because someone told the baby might be a girl or would be born with a disability..
how can someone think of getting rid of a baby for that reason.. it's a baby in the end.. their own flesh and blood.. be it girl or boy.. with any disability or not..". His mom smiles a little "Well Abhi.. when there is good there is bad too.. such people do exist still.. no matter how much awareness is created they don't understand.. they believe boys and men are always superior to girls or women.. also believe that someone can be loved only when the he/she is perfect or flawless"
Abhi looks at his mom "That is messed up Maa.. I don't know what to say.. her parents are also not accepting Devansh completely because she got married to the guy of her choice.. I understand she made a mistake.. but when she needs them badly they are not there for her..", she smiles a little "It happens sometimes.. they will understand her.. until then she has friends like you right.. you support her".
He nods "Ofcourse Mumma.. I'll always support her and Devansh.. I have already considered him my first baby.. doesn't matter what happens in the future..". She smiles looking at him "Well Abhi.. tell me how is Sahana.. you talk so much about Dev.. but you don't talk much about Sahana", he sits up looking at his mom like an excited child "You want to know about her".
She nods smiling at him, he looks at his mom and starts talking about Sahana "She is a fashion photographer Mumma.. though she studied engineering this was her passion and she took up this path.. she works for Sunshine Fashion botique as their photographer and also freelances.. she does portfolios also.. then she is one awesome mom just like you..
She smiles only for Dev after going through so much.. it's not easy to fight someone you love.. she is fighting against the one she loved.. she is one tough and strong woman.. she is a wounded and lone lioness.. she will not back off from fighting even though she doesn't speak much.. she is chubby.. you know you would just want to pull her cheeks..
She just glows when she is actually happy and smiles whole heartedly.. she is just breathtaking.. yesterday she looked like the full moon.. I couldn't just look away from her.. and her eyes.. those big beautiful golden brown eyes with a shade chocolate brown.. Gosh!! They are so captivating..", he continued while his mom keeps looking at him smiling to herself.
She keeps smiling looking at her son so engrossed in describing Sahana, he had gone all dreamy. Her smile didn't leave her face seeing him talk about Sahana, My baby is falling in love.. and he hasn't even realised it.. My Abhi has finally found his woman.. I haven't seen him this excited about anyone.. I hope this happiness in him lasts forever..
She pats his shoulder as he was still speaking, he looks at her "Yes Mumma", she gives him a teasing smile "Are you done baby.. if not I'm thinking I'll record this dreamy face of yours". He looks away embarassed and tries not to turn into a beetroot "Mumma.. I definitely don't look dreamy", she chuckles "I will say that baby.. because I'm the one seeing you.. you went dreamy talking about Sahana".
He looks at her shocked "No Mumma.. I.. she is just a friend.. umm yeah a friend.. nothing else", she chuckles looking at his blushing face "Okay if you say so", Awww my baby blushes.. so cute.. thank you Sahana for showing me that my Abhi blushes too. He runs off to his room "Umm Mumma.. do you want to see Dev today.. I told Sahana I will talk to her today"
She smiles "Sure I will.. I want to meet Dev as well as Sahana", he nods and goes to freshen up. After breakfast they both get ready to leave from home, his mom was excited to see Sahana and Dev thinking probably Sahana will be her future daughter-in-law and Dev, her grandson but she didn't show it to him. They soon reach the home, Abhi smiles seeing Devansh playing in the garden while Sahana was feeding him his breakfast.
He walks over to Dev, Dev runs to Abhi spreading his arms on seeing him "Avi.. Avi". Abhi smiles looking at him "Hello little man", Abhi lifts him in his arms, Sahana smiles seeing him and his mom. Abhi shows Dev his mom "See little man my Mumma.. you want to go to her", she smiles looking at Dev "Aww come baby..", he jumps into her arms.
Sahana walks over to them, she smiles at Abhi's mom "Hello Aunty", Abhi's mom gives a bright smile to Sahana "Hello Kanna". Dev completes his breakfast while sitting in Abhi's mom's lap, Sahana looks at Abhi's mom "Aunty would you like to have something.. I completely forgot to ask while feeding Dev". She smiles and nods "It's okay happens.. Sure Sahana.. tea would be fine".
Sahana turns towards Abhi "And you", Abhi just shakes his head "Nope.. I drink it only once.. I ask her also to not drink so much tea but she never listens to me". Sahana chuckles looking at him "Doctor Abhi.. just 2 cups of tea won't do any harm", Abhi just rolls his eyes at her "Yeah yeah sure.. you are also the same right.. why will you listen to me", she just laughs looking at him and goes to make tea for Abhi's mom.
Abhi and his mom keep playing with Dev while Sahana comes back tea. Sahana introduces Abhi's mom to the others in the home, she looks at Abhi and Sahana "You kids go and talk.. I have got company.. and Dev has got us to play with.. if he needs you we will call you". Sahana looks at Abhi, he blinks his eyes assuring her Dev will be fine.
Dev happily bids a bye to his Mumma and Abhi having so many people around to play with him. Abhi looks at Sahana as she climbs into his car "Where do you want to go", she looks towards him "Any park would do.. that's where we left off.. so we can start there itself.. and it's actually peaceful there seeing all the kids playing around". He nods and takes her to a nearby park.
They both enter inside the park, Sahana keeps looking at all the kids playing around, some were playing hide and seek, some were playing on the swing, some were sliding down the slide and some were playing see-saw. Many kids were with their parents, their parents were playing around with the kids.
She smiles looking at the sight of the kids playing with their parents, Abhi keeps looking at her "You know Abhi I always wanted this for my baby.. I wanted him to get the love of both his mother and father.. but it's probably my bad luck that he didn't get the love of a father.. though he doesn't know or understand that I felt bad because I wanted to give him the world.. but then you came Abhi.."
She looks towards him "You shower him with so much love.. I don't think he will miss his dad ever with you being there.. I can never thank you enough for that". He smiles and looks towards her "Sahana.. you don't have to thank me.. I don't know what bond it is with him but he is an important part of my life that I would never leave behind ever Sahana.. I love him.. I don't know if I love him like a father though I already consider him my son but he will always be my little man and I, his Avi".

Our Bond.. Unnamed & Unknown (Completed)
RomanceAbhisekh Rao, a gynecologist, he worked constantly with women yet never found the one who made his heart flutter and run a marathon the way his two best friends would describe to him. He was already 32 years old, people around him kept asking him wh...