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-Continuation for fall in love-

Cameron and i was Having a conversation on how great this party was and how great pepper throws them
We really didn't participate in the game anymore
We were too busy on eachothers company

The party finally ended around 12:00
Everyone left and said their goodbyes
Me and cameron was just out in the porch talking

"Uh hey if youre you wanna get coffee right now?"
"now? cam its midnight"
"oh yeah right"
"But alright,i can order decaf"
"Oh shutup i helps me sleep"
We joked

He started talking about this new coffee shop that just open close by just a couple blocks away

Walking with someone in the middle of the night usually is Sketchy and Scary

But with him..i felt safe...
Hes not ted bundy or something
Oh god Mitchell started Getting nervous about how Cam could easily be a Murderer

"Hey are you okay?u look a little pale?"
"Haha funny just bc im ginger doesnt mean im see through"
"Ahah but though are you okay?"
"not much furth-"
"We're here!"

Something about this coffee shop
It was beautiful when you enter youre greeted by a strong and Delicious whiff of Coffee beans and milk
Yellow slighty dimmed lights,Bookshelves,Bakery,Flower shop

"Wow cam this place is amazing"
"well im glad youre not Trembling anymore"
Cam chuckles
"Shall we order?"
"You know what forget decaf im getting a cappuccino"
"Haha Cant believe you drink decaf"

After ordering they took the table next to the window
This place was amazing it really Shocked mitchell

"So how do you like it here?"
"Like it??I Love it omg"
*they laughed*

Their orders were served by a waitress
Mitchell ordered cappuccino with foam in it
While cam ordered an americano

Mitchell took a sip of his

"Oh you got a little something there"
*cam Pointed above my Upper lip*
"Oh god haha"
Foam was on my mustache
How embarrassing
*cam Offered me tissues*
" thank you"
I wiped the foam off

"So uh tell me about you"
"Oh well im cameron tucker,i grew up in Missouri,I love art,i speak a little bit of french,i also play the piano"
"How about you mitch?"
"Oh im a lawyer"
"Thats really impressive"
"Well its not that much i mainly work for the environment and such"
"Well i think thats really great"
"Haha Thank you"

"can i have your number?"
"of course its 6789998212"
*cam types it down on his down*

"Whyd you named me Eyeroll guy"
"Gimme yours"
*Mitch types it in on his*
"Now letme see what you named me"
*mitch gives it to him*

"Thats what pepper And the others called you earlier"
*they laughed*

*moments passed*

*mitch checks his watch*
"Oh god"
"Is everything okay?"
"Oh do you work on Saturdays?"
"It's Saturday tomorrow??"
"uh yes..?"

"oh god i thought-"
*cam laughed*
"But though i think we should head home its getting late and i dont wanna keep you up awake"
"Yeah its been a day"
they exited the coffee shop and walks back to peppers house where they parked their cars

"You know..i really enjoyed it tonight especially with you cam.."
"aww well if youre not busy tomorrow maybe we could go somewhere.."
"Of course!"
"Great!text me your address ill Pick you up tomorrow after lunch,is that okay?"
"Yeah sounds great"

"Well then see you tomorrow then eye roll guy"
"See you farm boy"

both entered eachothers cars and left

Mitchell arrived home..exhausted from today
He then texted cam his address and A goodnight text

Mitchell changed to Sleep wear and Washed his face then brush his teeth


Mitchell hurried to his bedroom to see the notification he got

[Farm boy]

Good night to you too ^_-

he smiled at the text he got
he finished brushing and went to bed
But something about tonight made him realize
god that boy really gave him butterflies.

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