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*Alarm ringing*

Mitch didnt forget he was supposed to meet cam today but he forgot to set an alarm and overslept
It was 11 and he was supposed to meet him after lunch
Mitchell showered and got dress up he decided to wear something more casual than formal he didnt really know where cam was taking him

"God damn it wheres my phone"
he was holding it

[Farm boy]

hey! Im Near your apartment street are you ready?

"crap well i guess i am"

[Farm boy]

hey! Im Near your apartment street are you ready?
yeah ill go downstairs

i grabbed my keys and Wallet and my phone made sure i locked my doors and Turned off the stove

I got downstairs and saw cam waiting outside his car
I exited the building and greeted him

"Hey cam"
Cam waved and as i got into his car
He then complimented my outfit and so i did to him
He was wearing jeans and a shirt with a really fun and colorful cuffs
He knows how to dress

"Did you ate lunch?"
"actually no..uh i overslept"
"Oh well lets get you something to eat,where'd you wanna go"
"Oh drive-thru is fine"

"So where are we going?"
"You'll see"
"Sketchy but okay"
*we joked*
we got drive-thru and ofc he payed for my breakfast/lunch its not really brunch because its mcdonalds
Not an overpriced french toast or orange juice

He brought me into a theater nice place actually ive never went here before it was not that gross, there was no food on the floor and not that much crowded it was actually like a hidden gem
This place looked ancient though
Maybe like in the 70s or something seeing the staffs are old people

We got tickets to casablanca
Since this was the movie that Brought me and cam together
Well not really together we arent tog-

"So how are you?"
"Im great wow cameron this place looks divine,you bring me to such amazing spots in town"
"Since i moved here ive been doing alot of adventuring and finding spots like these"

We shared a bucket of popcorn and got inside the theater with like idk just 10 other people
As i said it was really not crowded and They played mostly old films


The movie ended and god how much we loved it...It was amazing...
The first time i watched casablanca was with my dad and Having a dad who liked old films like this was the only thing i remembered we both enjoyed

"Hey are you okay?"
I didn't realize i started tearing up when the credits rolled in
"Y-yeah im great"
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes ofc thanks cam..for bringing me here"
"Youre mitch if youre not busy this afternoon do you wanna go somewhere and get dinner?"
"Sounds amazing cam yes of course"

We got into his car and talked about where we wanna go next
I requested this really nice cat cafe in the next street

We arrived at the cat cafe and omg THERES ALOT OF CATS
what did i expect
The cafe had a few customers, kids playing with cats,Moms, and a study group,And a girl reading Lolita ugh ew wtf..

and the cafe served A-lot of pastries i could really go for a snack right now

Cam went to the cats and started petting them He loves cats even though he grew up to a Dog and pig Only family
But he really adored the cute furballs

"Hey cam what do you wanna get?"
"Oh The scones look delish!"
"Hmm youre right uh two scones please and A- cam do you want coffee?"
"Oh no thanks im good"
"Alright two scones and A latte Please"
the barista ringed me up
"hey letme pay"
"No cam u payed for my lunch already"
"Okay then"
He got back to cats playing with them
I whispered
"as long as youre paying dinner"

"mitch look this one looks like you!"
He pointed at a blue eyed orange cat
"Hahaha he looks like garfield"
"He kinda does"

"Order for mitchell"
I went to the counter and grabbed my coffee with the scones
When i got to our table i told cam to wash his hands first
He nodded and went to the bathroom

He got back and We started Telling stories and Really started getting to know more about each other
Cam really is interesting
Makes me feel kinda bad about myself knowing im not really that talented or fun
But something about cam listening to my funny stories at work and My clients he really listened and i loved that
You know i dont wanna say it not at the moment but.. i think i lov-

"LOVE THAT! Mitchell youre so interesting i like how youre a lawyer and jeez youre like very young and you've accomplished alot!"
"Im like thirt-"
"Most people actually think being a lawyer is a joke especially my dad he wanted me to be better but-"
"But im not most people mitchell"

God damn it i love him

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