First kiss

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After the cafe we decided to head for dinner..
I entered cams car and waited for him, he went to the bathroom
Cams car was Basic not to flashy more like professional like a "Day Work car"
Im not really snoopy but i opened the Compartments of the car
There was alot of playlists,cds,And Makeup??
Well i guess cams the type who wears it..
I see cam coming up to his car so i quickly put back the things in the compartment

"Hey..Whatchu doin?"
"Sorry i was just looking for Rubbing alcohol or a sanitizer"
"oh here"
He opened the center console and Handed me A bottle of hand sanitizer
We then decided where to go for dinner and we decided somewhere not too fancy

"oh im craving for seafood"
" omg cam we should go to lobster shack"
"sounds great!..youre not allergic?"
"Of course not i love seafood!"
"Theres this really good sushi place i go to every once in a month"
"Sushi sounds Lovely too do you wanna go there"
"Oh i just went there last week maybe next time ill bring you there"
i kinda liked how he said next time which means he really likes spending time with me

The whole ride to the restaurant was fun asf we played one of his playlists i found in the glove compartment earlier
He had alot of britney and Madonna on his playlist lol

We Arrived at lobster shack and this place was packed i guess it is Its a weekend after all
alot of families were here for dinner

"God i havent been here since like i dont know high school"
"May i take your order?"
"Yes main lobster with um crab and uhh seafood stuffing?"
"And for you?"
She asked cam for his order, cam looked at me and the menu
"Ill have the same thing"
"Okay ill be back with your order"

"so..never been here before?"
He said shyly
"haha its alright youre gonna love it here the food is amazing"

"Heres your two orders of Lobster with crab and seafood stuffing and an extra Sauce of garlic"
"Ohh yum and um We didnt order extra"
"Its on the house pretty boy"
As soon as she left cam started laughing
"Shes not lying you are a pretty boy"
"Oh shut up put this on"
I threw the plastic bib to his face

We then started eating and he started asking me about how i came here at high school and how i had a regular specific order and how i didnt need to look at the menu

"Oh i was in theatre back and my friends would come here every after play or school presentation"
"ohh sounds fun"
"I also brought Girls here.."
"Girls? Omg girlfriends?"
"Yeah i know its weird"
"No not all uh what age did you come out?"
"Mid 20s"
"Oh,,but how did your friends react?"
"Oh they were fine with it i actually have this funny story on how i came out to one of my girlfriends
We were at a concert and i was gonna propose to her but i then came out to her instead she was mad but i guess it also helped me.."
"well how about family"
"My dad eugh so old school he didnt really acknowledged how i came out i had to do it three times..Until he actually did..after that i just um talked to my mom.."
"Im sorry ,dont cry"
"Oh d-dont be im not crying.."
"im not sure youre tearing up because of your story or from the spicy sauce that lady gave us"
I laughed
Cam really knew how to cheer people up
He made me happy
i think i really lo-

"lobsters great"
"Mitchell are you okay?"

"..i know its too early for this but..
I think i-... "

"i like you were gonna say like you right not um i think i like the crab more?"
We laughed

We finished eating and we split the bill
As we were heading back to his car
He was really quiet he would usually talk about how pretty the stars are like earlier when we got here
but now we were just walking..

We entered his car and drove in silence...
Idk if i said something wrong but he was quiet until we reached my apartment, he stopped the car..

"i like you too mitch"
"You said that earlier"
"Yes i know i wanna hear you say it again because i cut you off earlier"
" i like you,very much i dont know how but youre really kind and sweet and your southern charm and Goofiness is really cute and knowing that you really cared about my work and feelings and how you respected me made me realized that..i- i love you.."
"aww mitchell thats really sweet
And of course i love you too"
We shared a hug oh god he gave really good ones being in his arms was really warm and comforting UGH

"Uh huh?"
"Is this okay..?"
His face was really close to mine
I shut my eyes..

There it was
His lips so soft on mine
It was a long kiss and god i wanted more..
He broke the kiss and looked at me
I slowly opened my eyes

"I love you eyeroll guy"
"I love you too farm boy"

After a few seconds of just staring at eachother
I gave him a quick peck and left his car
And waved goodbye

"Hahaha Bye mitchell"
"Byee drive safe"
he drove off and god he made my knees weak as i was getting on the elevator up to my floor
I unlocked my doors and went straight to my bed
"shit im falling inlove"
Its not like i forbid myself from falling inlove
I was just traumatized and angry at what happened when it was teddy
But this was cameron
And cam was no teddy he was better far more better

I got up to shower, brush my teeth and then change to sleepwear
I decided to text cam

[Farm boy]
                                    hey cam you know i  
           had a really good time with you today    
           Thank you so much for bringing me 
          To amazing places thank you again
           so uh goodnight,, i love you

God i hope i didnt sound too clingy and cringe


[Farm boy]

                      so uh goodnight,, i love you

Thanks to you too for
Coming and spending the afternoon
With me
Good night mitch i love you too!!(^-^)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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