Season 7 Episode 4: Trollstopia Moves In

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This Episode May have a little too much company, But in this one, All Of Trollstopia, Move into The Warvengers Headquarters, As Our construction workers go through great lengths to Make it special for them. LET'S GET ON WITH IT!!!


The Dead Rises, For Good! Thanks to Demi-Goddess Agatha and General Joshua, The Enemy has now turned to Good... Yet the enemy will have unknown Tricks up his sleeve. In other news, Queen Poppy, Of Trollstopia and Of The Pop Trolls, Has the trolls moving in, All Genres Of Music, The world around the Warvengers, As far as we know... Will become more Musical Than it has before.

*The scene starts with a regular day at the Headquarters, Poppy on the Hologram as Me, Mii, Bianca, Riggs, and Vaughn were in the room*

Poppy: So We got quite a lot of trolls, and Supplies, I figured we all move into the headquarters, Our concerns are, The Rooms are not quite like our habitat.

Mii: We Will see what we can do, Plants, Flowers, Music, Anything Else?

Poppy: Just don't pressure yourselves, Believe me, I've been there and it honestly hasn't worked the way i wanted it to.

Me: Will Do, Safe travels getting here, Poppy.

Poppy: You too on the Preparations, Sir.

*The Hologram disappears, leaving the Scientists to get to work on a Way to Change the Interior of One Exact Floor Of rooms to be Troll Home Appropriate, Vinschpinsilstein and Doofenshmirtz head to A Botanical Garden to Collect Samples of flowers for the Preparations and Pods, But while Vinschpinsilstein was working on the samples, Doof Seemed to have had a Crush on her, Causing him to blush*

Dr. Vinschpinsilstein: Something Wrong? Doof?

Dr Doofenshmirtz: Um... Is it Hot in Here? Or is it that i have a crush on you? Because i feel like i am nervous and pink?

Dr. Vinschpinsilstein: *chuckles* Let's get this done first, and We can see where we go from there, Okay? *Winks at him*

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oh Alright.

*20 Minutes Later, They were able to get all the samples needed, and they made it back for our Specialists to Analyse and Theme it into Troll Home and Entertainment Material*

Vinschpinsilstein: Now About what you said...

Doofenshmirtz: Look, If you are taken then I have at least a right to kn-

Vinschpinsilstein: I'm not taken.

Doofenshmirtz: Really, What about Tails?

Vinschpinsilstein: He's cute, He's fluffy, but he's not really what you call a boyfriend of mine, He's more like a best friend to me... And a really good lab partner.

Doofenshmirtz: Dr. Eggman?

Vinschpinsilstein: I mean I like a guy with a mustache but not that much of a mustache. Doof, When I first met you... I thought you might be like those other scientists who are just too rugged, too... smart... But you, You're smart but you're also a softy and kind of funny too... I like that about you, You can also be naive at times... I guess the point is that I'm trying to come across as I think I had a crush on you too.

Doofenshmirtz: Well as much as I want to listen to you and my body at the same time I don't know if my daughter will like me moving on and trying to find a new mom...

Vinschpinsilstein: Let me guess, to you she's still your little girl even though she's a grown up daughter of yours?

Doofenshmirtz: Yeah, although I want to try and move on and hopefully try not to live in a life full of failure, everyday.

Vinschpinsilstein: I get it whatever feels comfortable to you Heinz, I'm fine with it, hopefully you can talk to your daughter and hopefully she'll understand.

Doofenshmirtz: I feel like I can't control myself I feel like I want to make out with you... *Dr. Vinschpinsilstein walked closer to him as she took her gloves off*

Vinschpinsilstein: I'd like that. *The two stare at eachother, and then start kissing, the female doctor sat up on an empty table, as the two started to make out*

*Early Next Morning, Tails was yawning as he unlocked the laboratory, and suddenly he smelled something, he thought he had the smell of someone making out earlier but he decided to shake it off for now*

Riggs: Alright Lads, all the trolls tribes are here, let's get everything organized and unpacked for everyone.

Poppy: How are things looking branch?

Branch: Looking pretty good, the leader really held everything together and we were able to accomplish what we could... I decided to help out as well.

Poppy: Nice work, Branch *Kisses his cheek* Let's move it.

*8 Hours Later, everyone got in okay, everyone I'm packed just fine without any injuries, I was able to reason with some of the tribes about noise complaints and that's why we would add noise proof barriers between the walls, so they can be free to be as loud as they like, and Dr. Vinschpinsilstein and Dr. Doofenshmirtz decided to keep their relationship secret for now, but if they ever needed to share the love with each other they decided to caress hands with each other*

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