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Did you see her face?" I cracked "oh man she in so gonna kill you when we get back" Roxas said through his laughter "hey you insult my friend your gonna get some fire" when we finely stopped laughing Roxas sighed and looked up at the Never land sky "do you really think of me as your friend Axle? like for real no lies" "nope I do not how could you think that Roxas?" Roxas looked at the ground sadly i put my arm over Roxas's shoulders "your not my friend because your my best friend" Roxas looked up his blue eyes shining"really Axle" "really" I said "thanks Axle" "no prob man we should probably get the mission over with" I said pulling on my hood Roxas did the same.

see we needed Roxas to bash heartless with his keyblade so the hearts could go to Kingdom Hearts once it opens we get our hearts back don't ask me how it works exsacly because I don't understand it ether Saix has already explained how it works like five times and I still don't get (it probably doesn't help that I I allways fall asleep when Saix or Xenmas talk but you would to if you had to sit there and listen to them talk about stopping Sora and King Micky I mean really come on we all know that already move on but nooooooooo sorry getting of topic) so basically Roxas whacks heartless and I back him up when he needs it which isn't often he was getting pretty damn good with the thing so anyway that's what we did then we headed to twilight town for sea salt ice cream.

I waited for Roxas I leaned against the side of the store when I herd "come on guys we're all most there" I looked down the ally way and saw .......... Sora oh crap I pulled on my hood and ducked into the store I caught Roxas by the arm and opened a dark corridor and pulled him through.

we came out at my room I plopped on the bed"oh that was close" "what Axle you dragged me out a the store who were you running from?" Oh he knows me so well "weeeeeeeeell" I said "Axle" Rpxas stared at me "I may have gotten into a fight" I said lying through my teeth I can't tell him the truth because Sora was Roxas's somebody which shouldn't be possible but it is again no idea how that works so don't ask but I'm the only one who knows about it because I didn't want them to run all sorts of tests on Roxas and I wasn't gonna put him through that I'm not that low besides if Xemnas found out that Sora was in Twilight Town he'd just order us to attack him and if Sora dies I'm pretty sure Roxas dies to so yeah anyway back to the present "if Saix finds out that you got into another fight he's gonna kill you" Roxas nearly yelled (yeah I get into a lot of fights but hey don't judge) "maybe but what Saix don't know ain't gonna hurt him" Roxas ran his fingers through his blonde hair "your gonna get me in serious trouble some day man" "I know" I said smiling at him "I'm just that special".

Please comment and let me know what u think and make sure u vote for your fav caricter (see chapter 1) thanks!!!!!!!

Fire and Roses  (Kingdom Hearts) +EDITING!+Where stories live. Discover now