I try to lie to Roxas (it didn't work either)

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  • Dedicated to my best sister who without noe of this would be possible.

Hi!! Thanks to all who are reading this and supporting me this is for you guys! 



Sora stood staring like he couldn't believe it. Now that I think about it he probably couldn't. "Riku?" He stood and ran over to me hugging me to death. "But this is just a dream isn't it?" He released, allowing me to breath again.

"Yes" I said, "Just a dream, but I'm real Sora trust me."

He scowled at me, and then placed both hands behind his head. "where are you Riku? I have been searching for you and the king"  

I looked at him thinking, wow his hair is awesome! (Sorry ruined the moment there didn't I? Oops. .. anyway) "Look, Sora I'm not ready. I'll find you when I am. You should go back and look after Kiari."

Sora's face flushed like a kid caught doing something wrong. "I'll do what I want" He said, "And that's looking for you."

I shook my head but I knew he wouldn't listen. I ran my hand through my long silver hair, "Fine Sora just listen to me okay? You have to wake up there's two people here and I think they want to kill you."

"What?" He stumbled back into the black water but then he stood up and shook himself off. "Psh I can take them"

"No, Sora you can't. Promise me that you'll wake up and run. Please Sora!"

Sora looked upset. He walked up to me and put his hands behind his back. "Whatever Riku. Just promise me you'll be smart with your choices until I find you kay? Then you can skrew up all you want."

I smiled. This kid always made me smile. And that's something I don't do. The black shores of the beach began to melt away into silver smoke. Sora started to freak. "What's going on?" He yelled, summoning his keyblade.

"Your waking up" I said simply.

"Wait! Riku? Will I see you again?"

"Maybe, but not now. Not for awhile" I admited  

"Wait! Riku!"

But I was already gone, melting into darkness.  



"Give. It. Back!"  

"I told you Larxene I don't have it!"

Larxene crossed her arms "I know you have it Axel your the only one I fight with!"

I growled "wanna test that theory?"

Suddenly, Demnex skipped buy holding one of Larxene's faudre singing, "I've got a pointy thing. I've got pointy thing!"

I crossed my arms "I believe you owe me an apology Larxene"

Larxene shook her head "oh yeah Axel? Demy? Where did you find that pointy thing?"

"Oh Axel's room" he replyed cheerfuly.

"shit." I cursed.

"Your dead Axel. Dead!"

I would have fought her sorry butt right there, but I was still beat up from my fight with Marluxia last night. Yup Sora woke up like three minutes into the fight, and ran like literally. Chicken. Oh well anyway my plan had worked. Sora was safe, I was not that hurt, no one new. I am freaking awesome!

I backed up and then bolted to Roxas' s room. Roxas opened the door hearing the curse words that Larxene was yelling at me ( no I'm not going to write them down! I'm not that rude!) And yelled some insults back at her (where did he learn those words? Hmmm... must be hanging around me and Larxene wayyyyy to much opps) I bolted into his room and he slamed the door. I opened a DC and ran into it, dragging Roxas in with me.

We ended up in twilight town so I was happy but Roxas rounded me, "what is wrong with you? Are like two? I mean really Axel"

I smiled at him "oh yeah? If I said one of those words when I went to school id be suspended for like a month."

Roxas blushed, but then he smiled "yeah? Well at least im not sneaking around at night I mean who does that?"

"I was help ing Sora! I do not sneak around! And it's none of your business what I-" I stopped realizing what he had done "shit" I cursed "you (please insert your words of choice)"

I punched him in the arm, and he doubled over in pain but kept laughing "your-so-easy-" he said between breaths

"and your soooo annoying" he stopped laughing.

"That was mean"

"sorry" I grumbled remembering how fragile Roxas' s feeling were.

"Is ok" he said suddenly, he jumped on my back and guess what? He had Larxene's stupid faudre. "Tell me where you were last night or I cut it!" He threatened.

I froze, "you wouldn't"

"oh I think we both know I would"

"you even touch my hair and I swear I will burn you like a peice of paper"

"yeah maybe" he said "but you'd still be bald"

I grinded my teeth this was going to take some explaining and no, im not telling him about Sora.


Da da dah!

I have updated! For those who read this sorry about the wait. Well I have to go update gray rain now so.....

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