The Meeting

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Hi guys!!! I'm back sorry the last two chapters have been boring but this ones good promise!!!! Please comment!!!! If no one starts reading this soon ill just stop so please comment I have a hard time writing because I have limited access to the wifi on my moms phone so yeah sorry for the late update.

"No no no damn" Roxas sighed and threw the ps2 controler on the floor I had been playing with him for the last two hours and it was now 6:00pm.

"all right cough it up" I said holding out my hand he muttered something that suspiciously sounded like "show off" I smirked. Zexion leaned over on my bed as Roxas handed me my munny 500 to be exact (he'd lost five times)

"dude" Zexion said looking up from his book "never play Axle at street fighter and definitely don't put down bets he's like street fighter champion" "now you tell me" Roxas grumbled.

"Cry baby" I said stuffing the munny in my pockets "am not" Roxas cried our very grown up screaming mach went like this ........... ( notice the sarcasm)

me- are too

Roxas-am not!

me-are too

Roxas-am not!

me- are too

twelve minutes later,..........

me - are to

Roxas - am not!

Zexion ( I guess he had enough of me teasing Roxas or he had enough of us screaming at each other) stepped between us "oh will you two just shut the hell up already? the meeting is in ten minutes and you to aren't even ready!" it was true we were just wearing our pajamas which consisted of red basketball shorts and a black muscle shirt for me. and Roxas the only deference? Roxas's was all black.

"fine! I'm getting dressed you book freak!" I exclaimed jumping up and grabbing my coat of my bed Roxas and Zexion left my room closing the door behind them "and they say I'm weird" I muttered I put on my black pants not bothering to change my shirt I slipped on my black coat and zipped it up now to find my boots......

I opened my closet door and started digging through it I threw them in here yesterday I new it (and yes my closet is a mess but hey don't go thinking wow Axle the only things you wear are your black coat and pajamas well ya know what my closet is were I hide stuff in fact I think I still have one of Larxene's faudre in here) and if to prove my point it fell out onto the ground I quickly stuffed it under my bed and finding my boots (finally) slammed the closet door shut I slipped them on and went into the bathroom.

I looked in the at my hair making sure it was spiked cause god forbid I go out in public with my hair flat.


I got ready and stepped out into the hallway waiting for Axle he's probably fussing with his hair I thought I remembered the first time we met

FLASH BACK.............

that place allways lit up by the same scarlet sunset I wonder where that place was it must have been twilight town.

"Roxas" I wonder who it was him who spoke to me.

I didn't remember the name of the person that stood in front of me wearing a black coat.

but I must have been given a name there.

then I met him-that guy with the blood red hair and the black coat and then we ate ice cream.

I remember.

I remember that I haven't forgotten

I won't forget


the preparations for his awakening complete.

as a heartless he has vanished,the nobody remaining-and it his he,returned to normal


the sound of waves could be heard. the tide was moving in and washing sang away from the beach.

the boys body sank slowly into the water or, perhaps he was trying to be caught by the waves.

and then the boy opened his eyes.

A stark white room a stark white bed.

through the wide window a pitch black sky and the neon lights of skyscrapers were visible.

where is this place again?

this is my room.

this is called 'The world that never was'

and my name is Roxas.

I'm number 13 in the organisation.

I feel like I've been dreaming the whole time no, I also feel like I was awake the whole time.

yesterday-yesterday I was by a dark ocean I met him there our boss not the man with the red hair but one with silver hair and yellow eyes.

After that - I don't remember so well maybe I'm dreaming.

the boy - Roxas got up and left the room and made of something inorganic, it was a little like stone and a little like something artificial ,Roxas didn't know what it was only that there was a space that led along. there were many doors , like the one to his own room lined the corridor the design of the rooms were probably the same and so, the people inside were probably just like him.

shortly, the space opened out and he started descending a sloping hallway at the end of it was the garden of weaving light and dark- the lobby it was called.

he had been told to come here upon waking up but by who? he really didn't remember.

the lobby was chilly enclosed in transparent glass outside of witch there was nothing but pitch black darkness and white buildings. "huh? you finally up" Roxas turned to see a blonde woman wearing the same black coat as him was looking down on him Roxas couldn't answer at all and she- Larxene curled her lip Roxas had no idea what the change in her expression meant by when he saw that look he got uneasy. Roxas walked up someone who was looking out the pitch black window a person with red hair.

perhaps there was a reason he was chosen to pair up with Roxas perhaps there wasn't Roxas didn't know either.

but when Roxas drew near to that person, he turned around a smile showed on his face "hey Roxas" "hey" Roxas said timidly the mans blood red hair was spiked straight up his eyes were deep green with purple tear shaped tattoos under them his face was that of a proud man on that wouldn't give up without a fight.

"Roxas do you remember my name?" the man asked Roxas shook his head the man put two fingers to his forehead "name's Axle. got it memorized?" Roxas nodded


end of flash back

I laughed at the thought of my friends favorite three words instead of saying 'got it?' he says 'got it memorized?' just then Axle's door opened and the fire possessed man stepped out his hair spiky as ever

"what took you so long" I asked "did you lose your hair gel?" "oh ha ha very funny now hand it over" I gave the water proof hair gel back to him I was laughing my head off

"your lucky I had another one or you would be a piece of firewood right now" me doubling over with laughter leaned against the wall unable to stop "if you ever mess with my hair products again I'm gonna burn your eyebrows off got it memorized?" I finely stopped laughing and nodded

"we're gonna be late" I said Axle opened a DC (aka dark corridor) and I followed him we arrived in the throne room I took seat on my throne Axle did the same the meeting began I'm not gonna bore you with the whole thing cause it was just boring.

I could tell Axle wasn't paying attention he slumped in his throne igniting the tip of his finger on off on off on off I smiled now after about an hour of Xemnas talking he finally said something interesting "I have asked Marluxia to assassinate sora."

da da daaaaa a cliff hanger!!!!!

stay tuned to see what happens!!!! please comment I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!!!!

PS if you don't know what a faudre its the name of Larxene's throwing knives.

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