Pirates and White hair

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R54: hey guys I got my tablet back!

Axel: only cause you freaking knocked me and Roxas out with a shovel!

Roxas: owie

R54: o suck it up you guys could'a fought you know!

Axel: no we couldn't! your a girl!

R54: oh please u fight with Larxene all the time Axel

Axel: yeah but she isn't pretty like you are babe

Roxas: Axel! quit flirting with the athuoress!

Axel: sorry!



"woe Roxas watch your back!" I yelled we were fighting a huge heartless in Port Royal. I ducked as one of Roxas's ice spells sailed over my head "hey watch were your firing!" I yelled

"Sorry!!" he yelled back at me.

"yeah say sorry now" I muttered after a few minutes I was getting pissed. "how the hell do we beat this thing!?" I yelled

"I've got an idea" Roxas yelled "Axel distract him and cover me!" "okay" I yelled!! "but don't get yourself killed!"

I threw a chakram at the thing and hit it in the eye it roared and turned towards me more shadows appeared at its feet.

while it was distracted Roxas jumped onto its back and climbed onto its shoulders he raised his keyblade and slash! its head fell to the ground before it vanished into nothingness.

I clapped my hands "all right Roxas! fight fight fight!"

he laughed and de-summoned his keyblade I did the same with my chakrams.

"well what do we have here?" a voice said behind me I turned to see a man walking toward us. by the way he was walking I could tell he was probably drunk it didn't help with the fact that a half drunken bottle of rum swung from his left hand.

his hair was a mess of dreadlocks worse than Xaldin's he had a red bandana over his mess of hair, and a charm of beads swung from his forehead.

I looked at Roxas he shrugged "you look like a pirate" Roxas noted looking the man up and down

"cause I am one lad" the man replied "Captain Jack Sparrow at your service" the man bowed

"Jack Sparrow" I muttered trying not to laugh at the man

"captain" the man corrected me "oh sorry captain Jack Sparrow then" I said with sarcasm

"oy!" someone yelled "he's over here!" "well mates it seems I have to run but always remember this was the day that you met captain Jack Sparrow!" and with that the man took of running.

" well that was awkward" I said watching the man run away. "he runs like a girl" Roxas noted "yes yes he does we should Rtc " "are we gonna get ice cream?" Roxas asked "na you go ahead I haven't filled out a report in five days and if I don't do one soon Saix is gonna bite my head off" I replied opening a DC "oh okay" Roxas said before he Vanished into his own DC.

I dc'ed right into my room. I locked my door (like that would do anything) I picked up the mattress of my bed and pulled out a vial of white potion I smiled it was something I had stolen from Vexen a long time ago.

I never thought I'd ever use it but tonight was the night and everything was about to change. forever.



I got ice cream and sat on the clock tower. I swung my legs of the edge just cause it was fun.

I thought about what Axel had said. about me being his best friend I wonder if my somebody ever had friends. I wouldn't know I couldn't remember.

I watched the kids play in the street below me and sighed.

I wish I could remember.

I wish I wouldn't forget.



I looked at the potion ugh here goes nothing. I took a sip and shuddered ugh it was worse than the cure.

I felt a shiver run down my spine I watched in amazement as my whole body glowed there was a blinding flash, and then the light subsided. I looked in the mirror my coat was now completely white right down to my gloves and boots. and guess what else was white?

MY HAIR IS WHITE!!!! oh thank god it only lasts for two hours cause I think I'm gonna die.

"Suck it up Axel" I told myself. now to find Sora and Marluxia.


unknown pov

I watched Sora sleeping on the ground with Donald and Goofy. I was wrapped in darkness, it threatening to take over me.

"control it" I muttered I took a breath feeling the darkness course through my body, it pulsing through my veins.

"why deny it?" a voice said in my head "accept it!" "no!" I yelled clutching my head a blinding pain coursed through my skull making my head feel like it was splitting in two.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" I yelled in pain.

the pain stopped as quickly as it came, and I dropped to my knees shaking my black coat settling around me.

"you will accept it" the voice hissed "not likely" I muttered dropping onto the ground feeling like I was going to throw up.

I was a good 200 feet from Sora and the others thank god they didn't hear me scream.



we think our hearts are clean

they are not clean

nor simple nor sweet nor kind

no matter how hard

we try

we will never rid

our hearts of darkness

we all sin.


R54: da da da! what will happen to Axel? who is this mystery man!? Will Sora be killed?

Axel: I know who it is!

R54: *thwack*

Axel: *falls on the ground unconscious*

Roxas: u read my mind

R54: you wanna give away hints to my story to? *waves shovel threatening*

Roxas: no no not at all! please don't hit me with the shovel!

R54: good anyways please review! and send in who u think the mystery man is! tune in next time to find the answer!

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