Chapter One

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"No! Pietro!" Kazia cried, as she ran to where her brother had fallen.

"C'mon kid, I've got him." She heard, but she didn't even look to see who talked to her, she was too distraught.

Kazia felt as though her heart had been ripped out of her chest, as she sat near her brother's body. She held his cold hand in hers, tears running down her face as she hoped for her brother to sit up and laugh at her. She wanted him to wake up and tell her he was joking. She wanted him to sit up and tell her everything was alright, but it wasn't. He was gone, and she was in so much pain.

"Kaz," She heard,"I'm so sorry." Clint said, as he sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

As soon as his arms were around her, she laid her head on his chest and sobbed. He simply held her close, running his fingers through his hair to try and soothe her the best he could.

"I shouldn't have let him come." Kazia murmured, but Clint shook his head.

"No, sweetheart, he wouldn't have stayed back. He would go wherever you and Wanda go." Clint said, knowing his words weren't much help to the young teenager.

"I want him back. I want him to wake up." She cried, causing Clint to hold her tighter.

"I know, sweetheart," He murmured,"I know."

Slowly, Kazia's eyelids began to droop, and after a few minutes, the girl had finally cried herself to sleep. Clint laid himself across the seats, letting her lay next to him, her tear stained face laying against his chest. He kept one arm wrapped around her, as her other arm hung over the side. His hand was close to Pietro, as if he wanted to comfort the boy as well, even though the boy was gone. None of the Maximoff siblings deserved this, and he wished he could've changed what had happened.

*End of Flashback*

After what had happened to Pietro, Wanda wasn't really around. She had shown up a couple of times to see Kazia, but most of the time she was gone. Over the time, Kazia had started living with Clint and his family. Through Fury, Clint was given papers to officially adopt the youngest Maximoff, and with her acceptance, and Wanda's permission, Clint and Laura Barton adopted Kazia. Kazia Maximoff was now Kazia Maximoff Barton.

She had gotten her middle name changed to Maximoff, that way she wouldn't lose the name, and she wouldn't have to hyphenate. About a month or two after she had come to live with Clint's family, Laura gave birth to the second Barton son; Nathaniel Pietro Barton. Kazia had cried when she heard the boy's middle name, but she knew her brother would be honored to have the baby named after him.

Kazia hadn't wanted to become too attached to the Barton's, even after being adopted by them, but that didn't last long. Kazia had tried to distance herself, but Clint and Laura were not going to let her. Clint insisted on teaching the girl archery, and Laura often had the girl help her in the kitchen, or would encourage girl time whenever they had time. Clint and Laura encouraged Kazia to spend time with Cooper and Lila often as well, which wasn't always easy.

"They're your brother and sister now, Kaz. You don't have to distance yourself. We're never going to leave you. Nothing is going to happen to us. You're a part of our family. We love you, and we want you to feel comfortable with all of us." Clint told her one night, as he sat in her room with her after another nightmare.

Kazia often times had nightmares about Pietro's death. Each time she'd watch him fall, and each time she was unable to save him. She could still remember the last words he said to her, "We will win, Kaz. I love you, little sister. I will see you when this is over." Obviously, it didn't go as planned, which hurt Kazia beyond belief, but there was absolutely nothing she could do.

One night, Kazia had a horrible nightmare, this time it was losing Pietro and Clint. She woke up so terrified, she couldn't even cry. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, and she was beyond terrified. Most nights, Clint would come to her when he or Laura heard the girl crying, but this night she didn't cry, so neither parent heard her wake. In the next room was Nathaniel, and he had woken up like he did most nights. At least two or three times a night, Nathaniel would wake up for different reasons, such as needing a bottle or a new diaper.

With her keen since of hearing, Kazia got up and went to Nathaniel's nursery before he could start crying. She hadn't held him yet, since she was scared of her own strength and her emotions. When she walked into the nursery and looked down at the small baby in the crib, she felt a smile come to her face. His sparkling eyes made her stop shaking with fear, and she felt more at ease. She knew why he was awake, since he seemed to wake at the exact same times each night.

She looked over at his dresser and seen the bottles holding water for his formula. Walking over, she remembered how many scoops of formula Laura put in the bottle when she was feeding Nathaniel. Once Kazia had fixed the bottle, she set the bottle on the dresser and walked back over to the crib. She slowly picked up the baby, holding him over the crib for a moment, before taking a deep breath. She carefully pulled the baby to her chest and held him cautiously. She then walked over to the rocking chair and sat down with the baby in her arms, before grabbing the bottle and holding it for the baby. Holding the baby made her heart flutter, which made her feel less sad. Maybe this family could help her more than she believed...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wanted to make this chapter a little sad, a little informative, and a little happy. What do you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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