Chapter Eight

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Some time had passed since Kazia started going to Midtown High. She had finally started to forgive Tony for forcing her into an ultimatum. She had talked to her family quite a few times, and had even managed to visit them two or three times since she started to live with Tony. It wasn't too awful, but she still really missed them all the time.

"So, Peter wants you to meet his Aunt May?" Tony asked, as he set a glass of water in front of Kazia.

"Yes, he asked me a few days ago. I told him I had a few things to do, but today I was free," Kazia replied,"I guess, I'm nervous to meet her. Like, what if she doesn't like me?"

"She'll like you, you're a likable person." Tony commented, making Kazia smile.

"Will you drive me?" She asked, her voice a little quiet and nervous.

"Yeah, just let me get ready." He replied, and she nodded.

As Tony walked off towards his room, Kazia called down to him.

"You're not seeing Aunt May, so don't bothering wearing a suit!"

"That's what you think, Baby Barton!" He yelled back, and Kazia simply rolled her eyes.

Kazia went to her room and put on a nice outfit, since she didn't want to look like a homeless person in front of Aunt May. When she was at the compound, she was often found in a pair of sweats and a tank top, or a hoodie and shorts, but she didn't want to dress like that meeting a woman so important to Peter.

"You look normal

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"You look normal." Tony commented, as he met Kazia at the car.

"I thought about it, and I knew Peter would call me out for dressing up too much. Besides, there's plenty of chances for me to dress up in the future." She replied, and he nodded in agreement.

"For your next break from school, I'm thinking of going on vacation," He said,"You feel like coming with, or do you want to go see your family?"

"If it's a two week break, I'll visit them for a week, then go with you for a week. Is that okay?" She asked, causing him to smile.

"Course it is, kid. It's not a prison, after all." He replied, though she wanted to point out how it felt like a prison for a very long time.

Tony drove Kazia to Peter's apartment building, and he offered to walk her to Peter's apartment. She was at first going to disagree, but then she realized that Peter had forgotten to give her the apartment number. She could text him, but she decided bringing Tony wasn't so horrible. In a way, Tony was like her uncle anyway, so she could have him walk her, like Peter could do with Aunt May if he wanted to visit Kazia.

Tony lead Kazia up some stairs until they finally came to the right apartment. Tony decided to knock, and barely a moment later, Peter opened the front door. He had a big, dopey smile on his face when he seen Kazia, but he became a bit nervous when he seen Tony.

"Don't worry, kid, I'm not here to play protective Uncle, I'm just here to drop her off." Tony commented, giving Peter a smirk.

Peter motioned Kazia to come inside, and Tony simply gave her a pat on the shoulder, before he turned and left. He promised to come get her in a few hours, and she thanked him. Aunt May gave the two teens a moment to greet each other, before she approached to greet Kazia.

"You must be Kazia, Peter talks about you a lot. I have to admit, you're a lot more beautiful than Peter said, and he's told me you were gorgeous." Aunt May said, making Kazia blush, as did Peter.

"May!" He whisper scolded,"Kazia, this is my Aunt May, and Aunt May, this is my, uh, friend, Kazia Barton." He introduced, and the two smiled at each other.

"Nice to meet you, Peter has told me a lot about you." Kazia commented, and Aunt May smiled.

"He talks about you every day. You'd think the boy was obsessed." Aunt May replied, causing Kazia to laugh, and Peter to blush.

Peter was glad that Kazia and Aunt May were getting along, but that didn't make the embarrassment go away. He got over it though, since he wanted them to get along, and talking about things like that made them both seem to be happy.

"So, I know it might be rude, but I was wondering if you'd tell me what Mr. Stark is to you?" Aunt May asked, and Kazia sighed.

"Well, he worked with my father for a few years. Dad had some stuff going on, so I was having trouble going to school. Tony took me in, and gave me a place to stay until I graduate. I guess you could say Tony, to me, is Uncle Tony." Kazia said, as she shrugged slightly at the idea.

"Wow," Aunt May murmured,"Well, um, how about you two go play video games or something, and I'll get started on dinner." She commented, and the two nodded.

"And by that she means ordering take out." Peter joked, as Aunt May shoved Peter jokingly.

Peter lead Kazia towards his bedroom where his video games were stored.

"Door open, please!" Aunt May exclaimed, causing the two to blush.

"Do you want to play video games, or do you just want to hang out and like talk or something?" Peter asked, rubbing his neck like he was unsure of what he was saying.

"We can just sit and talk." Kazia replied, giving Peter a smile.

Kazia liked how awkward and sweet Peter was. He was adorable in her opinion, and that was probably one of the reasons Kazia had a crush on him. She'd never tell him, but she had found him rather attractive since they met. She just didn't believe that he'd feel the same way about her...

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