♥ Chapter 7♥

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"THANKS MOM!"i said with a smile.

my mom always made sure i was all the way inside before she pulled away bon mondays... she said it made her feel better about how the day was gonna go. so as i wacheed her pull out of the loop dee loop drrop off lane i scouted out a fimiliar face, preferably a freindly familar face.... nope not even one i breathed a sigh of relife just as the bell rang and prayed that the rest of the day would be productive socialy.

Oh boy how right i was......

just as i was strollinginto the first period with my nose in a book, this i debated but i figured it was better to show up with a book oposed to empty handed,i slammed into a warm lint rolled body.

as i looked up my breath caught in my throught. it was him

i had a feeling his breath did the same thing because he looked down and hesitated to say,

"woa wach where your going blondie"

this was in no way offensive to me considoring my hair was my best feature, but i had a feeling he noticed that to.




WHOA. that was amazing.

but as you know it was in no way prominent to my gaol for cassidy and i.

or was it? oh ya i will use this contact to wrap her around my little finger or should i say my man sized finger....

to tell you the truth im disapointed in myself that i havent mannaged to lip lock her yet because by day two im usually at hickey stage.



yep. just as i had predicted

the minute mr w closed that door my vow to make his life misrable was once again put into action, then i saw her hair, she stilll didnt have an assigned seat, i leand to my left and shoved jake out of his seat

"sorry man ill explain later"i whispereed, he just glared at me but as he turned to face the front any hint of anger was gone, he shot me a thumbs up and made a licking motion with his tounge.

jus as i was about to open my history book i saw her glide over plop herself down, flip her pigtails and sneak a glance at me.

wow.bold move, also, that means im in.

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