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" I still can't believe how hard it was for you lift a simple table" 

Victoria said remembering what happened a couple days back. Right now all three of them didn't have much to do, so Tobey was back on tinkering with his robots. Eileen was taking one of Tobey's robots since he wasn't really paying attention. As for Victoria she was leaning on a wall right next to the door. 

However when victoria comment made Tobey snap his head and glare at her menacingly. He then looked at Eileen and sighed before motioning her to give his robot back. Eileen opened her mouth to protest, but Victoria just motioned it wasn't worth it. 

" Ugh, fine!! But you better buy me something better for my birthday!!" Eileen said as she lazily handed the robot back to Tobey. He smiled gently at his robot before putting it back on his desk. It was rather small compared to his other works but it was his nonetheless. 

" There, there daddy's here" he soothed his robot, causing Eileen to roll her eyes. She then dramatically fell on the Tobey's bed. In irration she swinged her feet back and forth, both Tobey and Victoria payed her no need as they were more than used to her temper tantrums. 

" Well anyway, Victoria the ONLY reason why I was unable to lift such a thing was because I simply never had any motivation to workout. I was simply too focus on honing on my brain that I neglected my physical attributes." He said dully as he adjusted his glasses. He tried not to sound embarrassed but Victoria could tell.

" Just because you a weakling doesn't mean you always have to be one forever." Elieen added before Victoria could say anything. Tobey raised his eyebrow wondering what she meant. 

" What do you mean by that?" Victoria and Tobey asked the same time looking at Eileen. She sat up and smiled as she explained. 

" Duh! Have you guys ever heard of a workout plan?" She said smiling as she looked at both of them. 

" Well, I don't know why I should bother!" Tobey asked almost dramatically, after all he was convinced he had no need to do such things. All he need was his brain so what if his body was more or less neglected. To show his disagreement on this topic he crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

" Well I'm sure you could impress wordgirl... Y'know if you go more strong." Victoria teased almost laughing to herself. Tobey's face turned bright red at the mere mention of wordgirl.

" I-I don't know what you're talking about!" He frantically yelled at Victoria. After alot of light arguments and teasing they managed to convince Tobey that he should at the very least give it a try. 

~ the very next day~ 

Like what they had agreed on all three of them meet up in the park to discuss their plan. Surprisedly enough Eileen was the first one to go followed by Victoria and a very disgruntled Tobey. 

" I'm only doing this to lift that blasted table" He said as he glared at the two girls. Eileen giggled as she looked at Victoria. Victoria cleared her throat slowly as to annoy Tobey. 

" Well, you see we will start with 500 crunches, 500 push-ups and 500 mile runs!" Victoria said nonchalantly. Tobey's mouth dropped as he stared at Victoria in disbelief. 

" THAT. IS. NOT. HUMANLY. POSSIBLE." Tobey said glaring at Victoria. 

" What? I only want the BEST for my dearest friend" she said mocking as she smiled sweetly. 

" Actually here is the plan" Eileen said as she handed a paper to Tobey. Tobey quickly grabbed it scanning his eyes at it fiercely, He then sighed in relief, in joy he declared

" Oh thank God, this is something that I can actually try!"

" Why ofcourse! Didn't I tell you that I will only settle for the BEST?" Victoria said smiling. 

So for the duration of many weeks after and before school he received training from Victoria. However one thing that he never thought of before, was that while the plan was perfect Victoria is rather ruthless executing it. He would make him wake in in un-godly hours just to make him jog for miles. She also managed to be in full control of his diet causing him to rarely eat his beloved sweets.  

Not even Eileen took pity on him, often encouraging Victoria's efforts. They pushed him to do things he never thought he could. And soon enough exercising became easily for him. He could do 50 crunches in his sleep and could run in miles with little to no effort.  Now was the day To truly test his new found strength. 

He slowly approached the table that started the whole debacle in the first place. Both Victoria and Eileen stood next to each waiting silently. Their eyes followed his every move they couldn't wait to see their hard work pay off. 

He lifted it up and marveled just how light it was, he could even lift it with only one hand. With this revelation he started to laugh. Causing Eileen and Victoria to look at him worried, since his laugh started to sound more and more violent. He then with all his might lifted it up and throw it on the floor. He kept doing over and over again laughing.

Wordgirl quickly flew in since Eileen in her excitement forgot to close the door to the mansion. He stopped right next to Victoria. Everyone even Tobey seemed to not even notice wordgirl, who right now was as still a statue. 

After his violent act, he gracefully turned to Victoria and smiled. " Wow! thanks to you I realized more then ever how much I have no need to for strength! That's what you wanted right?" Tobey asked surprising without a hint of sarcasm or angry in his voice. He just smiled and waved to wordgirl.

" I guess I'll impre- I MEAN beat you another way. Since I'm I'm never working out EVER AGAIN" 

Soon after wordgirl left without saying anything or even asking what was happening. Eileen turned to Tobey and genuinely asked. 

" Wait you really hate it that much?" 

" Well yeah! No offense to any of you, it's just that when I was exercising I realized how pointless it all was!" 

And so everything returned to normal, with Victoria and Eileen doing radom stuff as they wait for Tobey to finish fiddling with his robots. That being said Tobey could now easily lift any table not that he would or ever wanted to ever again.

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