darry curtis • imagine

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"come on, baby, you don't have to go...." you begged darry. he was leaving for work and you didn't want him to go.

"i'm sorry, darling, i have to."


"the people need me there. and i told my boss i'd be there," darry said.

"noooo," you whine.

"plus we need the money, baby."


"i'll be back soon, darling. and i'll make you dinner," he compromised.

"okay, fine."

darry left for work and you were left home by yourself. you missed him a lot but you decided to watch a movie before he got home.

around half way through the movie, you heard the back door open. you stand up and walk to the kitchen and see darry standing in the doorway.

"i'm back, beautiful," he says cheerfully.

you run up to him and jump into his arms. he holds you up and you kiss him on the lips.

"what are you doing back so early?" you ask.

"i asked the boss if i could be let out early to take my beautiful girlfriend on a date. and he said yes."


he set you down and told you to get ready. you put on the only dress you have and a necklace. you run back into the kitchen and darry was wearing a nice shirt and jeans that weren't dirty. he even fixed his hair.

"where are we going?"

"you'll see," darry said.

you got in the truck, not without darry opening the door open for you, of course.

he drives down the road past a sign that says something about leaving tulsa.

finally, you got to your destination which was a fancy restaurant you had never heard of before. it was italian, your favorite. darry hopped out and opened your door, and held your hand as you got out.

you walked inside with darry holding your hand and you got seated immediately. darry buys you dinner which was really good.

you finish eating and put your fork down. "that was so good. thank you, darry!" you exclaim.

"yeah, you liked it?"

"i did."

he puts his hand underneath the table as you wipe your face with a napkin. he stands up and you think he has to go to the bathroom.

"y/n," he says.


he starts to kneel down and your heart drops. (in a good way)

he is on one knee and opens a little container, flashing a ring at you. it was beautiful.

"will you marry me?" he asks.

you start to feel your eyes water, smiling. "yes!!!"

darry smiles at you, showing his perfect teeth. he slips the ring on your finger and he picks you up into a hug.

"sorry i've been working so much lately, this is why," he said.

"it's perfect, darry. i love you."

"i love you too, darling."

a/n: this was a request and i had no clue what to write for it so i'm so sorry 😭 Madelynhenley

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