"I need you to babysit"

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"Come down to the bakery. Immediately!"

Marinette blinked at the text from her mom, her blurry eyes trying to focus. The loud text chime had woken her up a few minutes before her alarm. Her heart started to beat faster as she read the text over and over again. Did something happen to Dad? Was there an accident? A list of horrible scenarios played through Marinette's head as she tumbled out of bed.

Still, in her pajamas, Marinette staggered down the ladder of her loft bed and raced out of the room. She flew down the stairs five at a time and burst into the bakery, panting.

A tall redhead in a white and blue bodysuit stood next to her mother in the bakery. Sabine smiled when she saw Marinette run through the door.

"Marinette. This is Bunnyx. She is part of Ladybug's hero team. And she needs your help."

Marinette tilted her head at Bunnyx, her mind still groggy from sleep. "I know who she is, I've... umm, seen her on the Ladyblog. I'm just surprised to see her here." Marinette squinted at her, accusingly. "In our bakery."

Bunnyx turned to her. "Marinette. You are needed for an extremely important mission. I can't ask anyone else. You are uniquely qualified." Marinette squirmed at her words. Bunnyx shouldn't be here. She could endanger Marinette's identity. "I need you," Bunnyx took a deep breath for dramatic effect, "to babysit."

Marinette raised her eyebrows in confusion. "What? Ba... babysit?" Suddenly, she heard an excited squeal from the back room. Tom emerged from the back room with an adorable baby in his arms.

"We found yesterday's biscotti," Tom called out triumphantly. "The perfect way to scratch those itchy gums. Isn't that right little man? Oh, good morning Marinette."

"Good morning, Dad." Marinette politely answered back. Okay, seeing her father hold a baby was downright adorable. She looked at the boy in his arms. The child was still quite young, much younger than Manon was when Marinette started watching her. He had wispy light-brown hair and long dark eyelashes. His eyes were a deep blue and Marinette could see four tiny teeth when he smiled.

"His parents need to know he's being kept safe," Bunnyx explained. "Their timeline is in danger, and they wanted him out of their timestream."

"Wait. Is he from the future?" Marinette's eyes grew wide. She leaned in closer to Bunnyx before whispering. "Oh wow! Is he mine?"

"Spoilers!" Bunnyx winked. "I can't possibly tell you that. He's from... a future."

"A future?" Marinette cocked her eyebrow. "Not the future?"

Bunnies groaned. "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually,... it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... fluff."

"I'm not sure that made it any easier to understand." Marinette crossed her arms.

"Alright, look, when the time Miraculous gets used, sometimes it changes the future. Other times, it creates a separate timestream." Bunnyx grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "All you need to know is that a 'future you' knows this child. But more importantly, this child trusts you."

Marinette looked over at the child in her father's arms. The boy had forgotten the piece of biscotti and was staring intensely at Tom's mustache. He brought his chubby hand up to Tom's lip and pushed his fingers into the thick patch of facial hair. Tom let out a large belly laugh as the boy stared at him.

She smiled at the sight. Her father loved children, and the baby was really cute. Suddenly, her face fell. "I'd love to help, but my extra-curricular activities make it hard for me to babysit a small child right now." She was hoping Bunnyx understood her meaning. How could she watch a baby during an Akuma attack?

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