The Long Night

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With Hugo back in his baby carrier, Adrien and Marinette followed Dylan to the reception hall. Like many of the other buildings in Étretat, it was very old and full of charm. Once inside, Adrien realized it was far less formal than any than his other wedding experiences. Being part of high society, Adrien had attended plenty of weddings. But they were usually stiff, formal affairs. This reception had the atmosphere of a party.

Julien made his way over to a laptop connected to some speakers. The music suddenly cut out as Julien grabbed a microphone and waved his arms to get people's attention.

"Hello, everyone! Can I get your attention here?" Once the whole room was looking his way, Julien gestured toward Adrien. "This is Adrien, Marinette, and their son, Hugo."

Adrien paled. Oh, man! He never had a chance to explain the situation. Now, an entire room of people thought Marinette was his partner, and Hugo was his son! He hoped his friend wouldn't be too embarrassed. Adrien nervously looked over to Marinette.

Her cheeks might have been a bit pinker than before, but she didn't seem upset. She briefly turned to Adrien and gave a tiny shrug. It was probably easier to go along than try to explain everything now.

Julien continued talking to the microphone. "Adrien, here, single-handedly saved our wedding photos!"

The room erupted in cheers as Adrien nervously smiled and scratched his neck. People usually complimented him for his looks. It was strange to be praised for photography.

"I am endlessly in his debt. Please, make my new friends feel welcome."

Another round of applause followed. Adrien waved to the crowd with a big smile on his face. Julien had called him a friend. He had made three new friends today!

An older man with a white beard approached them. When he smiled, Adrien noticed a bunch of his teeth were missing.

"Hey, are you Amelie's boy?"

Adrien blinked. Oh yeah! There would be people in town that knew his family. "Oh, that would be my cousin, Félix. Emilie was my mother."

"Félix, that's right, it's good to see you again." The man patted Adrien's shoulder warmly. "And what was the other boy's name."

Adrien glanced at Marinette; she gave him a bewildered look in return. This man wasn't entirely with it. "Adrien. My name's Adrien."

"Adam. Yes, I remember now." The man leaned in closer. "Félix. I was so sorry to hear about your father. First, your aunt, then your father. These years must have been so hard on you and your mother."

"Er... I'm not Félix." Adrien answered politely.


"Grandpa!" Julien yelled, suddenly at their side. "This is Adrien. Go put in your hearing aids!"

"Oh, bah..." The old man swatted at the air.

"I'm going to find us some drinks," Marinette offered, backing away. "I'll let you two catch up."

Silently, Adrien's eyes pleaded with Marinette not to leave him alone with this old man. But she only smirked back. Adrien groaned; he was on his own.

"Well, Adrien, then." The old man continued. "I can remember your mother at this age. They would spend summers here, you know, her and her sister. Sweetest little girls you ever met. And you, little boy," he rubbed Hugo's cheek, "are every bit as sweet."

"Would you like to hold him?" Adrien spoke loudly, trying to enunciate every word. An expression of pure delight washed over the older man's face. As Adrien placed Hugo in his arms, Hugo immediately grabbed onto the man's white beard. Luckily, the old man didn't seem to mind. He chuckled at the baby before he spoke softly.

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