Adrien the Photographer

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Hugo and Adrien slept for almost two hours. After they woke up, they spent the next few hours playing around the house and garden. In an attempt to get Hugo to crawl again, Marinette and Adrien set Hugo in the middle of the floor. Then, they surrounded him with all his toys, placed just out of reach. Hugo's sad eyes looked at them in utter betrayal. He squealed, cooed, and held up his tiny arms in confusion.

Hoping to inspire the baby, Adrien got down on all fours and crawled around the room. Hugo simply watched him, wide-eyed, while Marinette laughed. Finally, after many minutes of coaxing, Hugo hesitantly crawled forward to grab Sock-kitty, his favorite toy.

Later in the evening, Adrien, Hugo, and Marinette headed back out. While the upstairs of the villa had a nice view of the ocean, Adrien really wanted Marinette to see the sunset from his mother's favorite spot. The cliff by the Chapelle de Notre Dame de la Garde.

Even with the path, it was quite a climb to get to the old stone church. But once they made it, the view was stunning. Near the horizon of the ocean, the sun was close to setting. The clouds had already started to glow yellow and pink. The white cliffs provided a stark contrast to the rich display of color around them. It was truly beautiful. His mother would have loved this.

Behind him, Adrien noticed a bride and groom getting their picture taken in front of the chapel. After a few moments of watching them, he frowned and bit his lip.

"What's the matter?" Marinette asked.

"The photographer." Adrien sighed. "The lighting is all wrong. They're going to have hard shadows across their faces."

"You should say something," Marinette urged. "It's a wedding photo; I'm sure they want it to turn out well."

"I'm not a photographer, though." Adrien shrugged.

"You've spent hundreds of hours in photoshoots." Marinette nudged his shoulder with her own. "I think you can help them."

Adrien watched as the photographer snapped another few pictures. The guy looked seriously out of this element. Even the bride and groom were starting to look annoyed.

"Here," Marinette started to unbuckle the baby carrier. "I'll take Hugo." Within a moment, she had lifted Hugo in her arms.

"I'm so sorry, guys," The photographer told the couple as he looked at the camera's display. "They are all turning out blurry, and I don't know why. I... I, um, can snap a few on my phone?"

Adrien winced. The guy had a nice camera but didn't seem to know how to use it. He felt Marinette nudge his side again. Adrien took a deep breath. It was a bit out of his comfort zone, but Marinette was right. He could probably help. Adrien finished taking off the carrier and hesitantly walked forward.

"Excuse me!" Adrien called out. "I couldn't help overhear. I know a little about cameras; perhaps I can assist."

"Yes, please!" The bride called to him. "My uncle was supposed to take pictures, but he got ill. My cousin is filling in," her eyes squinted at the guy holding the camera. "But he doesn't know what he's doing."

"Hey! My Instagram followers say I'm a wonderful photographer!" The guy looked down at his camera. "But, yeah... I've never used a camera like this. It's a lot more complicated than a phone."

Adrien inspected the camera. "Well, it looks like you have the lens set to manual focus, that might explain why the pictures are coming out blurry." He held out his palm, "may I see?"

"I'm going to sit. My feet are killing me" The bride promptly fluffed up her dress before sitting in the grass. With a wince, she pulled her veil off her head and set it in her lap. The groom took a flask out of his pocket and downed a few swallows.

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