The Sorting

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Across the black lake, in the large doors, Lily and Snape find themselves in the great hall, about to be sorted into one of the four houses. Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Lily was eighth to be sorted. "Evans, Lily!" McGonigall called. Nervously, Lily stepped up and sat on the stool. The sorting hat was placed on her head. "Liiiily Evaaaans.... GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat boomed through the great hall. Lily beamed at the Gryffindor table, then looked at Severus with a look of guilt. A couple more sortnings, "James Potter..GRYFFINDOR" "Elina Mae... HUFFLEPUFF!" "Sirius Black.. GRYFFINDOR!" "Jaylen Knight... RAVENCLAW!" And finally, "Snape, Severus." Lily holds her breath. "SLYTHERIN!" Of course this would happen. Severus looks at Lily in despair from the Slytherin table. She looks so happy, chatting with fellow Gryffindors. After the meal, Lily goes to her common room with her friends. Severus is one of the last people in the Great Hall.

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