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3 years without Lily. Snape felt absolutely lost. Out of anger, he has come up with a curse called 'Sectumsempra" which deeply severs it's target. At the three broomsticks, Snape runs into Potter. He never wants to start anything but James can never have enough fun with him. Lupin, Pettigrew, Black, and Potter challenged Snape to a duel. James versus Severus, the rest spectators. They apparate to a field surrownded by forest. The two bow, Snape disarms Potter and immidietly, and catches his wand.

James and Lily sit by the fire, James telling her about what Snape did. She reacted half-heartedly, not wanting to get between Severus and James. Lily was almost asleep, nuzzled in his arms. The two where in an official relationship. At Proffeser Slughorn's Christmas party, there was tension, both Lily and James where there together, but Severus was attending too. Over the next year, Snape and Potter were in countless duels over Lily. Of course, she despiesed them constantly fighting. Snape felt similar.

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