The Matriarch

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ESME JANE VAN MORENOThe Daughter of JaneThe Mother of Van Moreno

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The Daughter of Jane
The Mother of Van Moreno

"It is with the innocent blood shed of our foremothers and sisters that we stand here today. Though we have battled through the strife and anguish, we continue to stand tall and bare the proud name Van Moreno."

As the current matriarch of the Third Faction of the Moreno coven, Esme stands in her position with pride and the confidence of her sisters. It is by the power of her foremothers that she staked through dirt and mud. It is by the tattooed marks on her arms that she remembers their sacrifices. Her strength and power are never to be contended, even if Esme's just checking her patient's heartbeat. Out of all her young sisters she babysits, no one calls their mother more than Esme. It was by Jane that Esme continues to abide by the natural laws of nature, even if nature ignores everything to do with her calls and her being. 

Esme's old-fashioned tongue and taste for their blessed legacy home is often looked down upon by her daughters, but living as long as she has, nothing in this world can shake her. Not the arrival of centuries-old vampires, another generation of the doppelganger, and not the threat of witches that once betrayed her family. 

She will fight to keep her family alive and legacy everlasting. Even if it kills her. 

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"You will have to torture me for the next centuries to find out my real age

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"You will have to torture me for the next centuries to find out my real age. If anything else, I'm a 27-year old genius doctor."

"I will walk this earth a hundred years more until a receive a blood-written apology my family deserves. We have been silent to your abuses, but now, no longer. To hell if your ancestors want to kill you for more power. Your ancestors had no shame in killing my brothers and sisters."

"I knew your mother once. I know more about all of you than you know of your self—I'm a wise woman."

antonia thomas

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