Gossiping lips and trembled tongues have muttered the infamous names of the Originals-the Mikaelson family. Those who wondered of the all-powerful Bennett line could only think with mind-thought, while the doppelgangers of the Gilbert lin...
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ALODIE MARRY-ANNE VAN MORENO Daughter of Mary-Anne Bringer of Disorder
"Life is never fun following rules. Where has that gotten us? Still on the sidelines, discriminated from all like us, shunned from being what we are. It's in our blood. So what else is there to do but have a little fun? We're cursed, so let's live our long lives up!"
Disorder. That is the best word to describe the third child of the main Van Moreno family. The thirdborn of the third sister in the third generation by the third founder. The Curse of 3 weighs on Alodie every single day of her life. Dreams of her past incarnations enchant her dreams of her future, "fun," she would say with a smile that refused to touch her eyes.
It's surprising how nature hasn't given up on her yet.
For all the sins she's committed, one could never estimate the amount of power on her dirty hands.
To distract her from the sacrifice or leadership she will take up in the future, everyday with her is a party. The witch and half the supernatural community have heard of her famous hook-up tales, sucking good times with a few vampires here, and her iconic trait of giving people a good time. Some eyewitnesses claim to have seen her making tent in Damon Salvatore's room, others say Klaus Mikaelson's aggression to all men around her at parties was a sign of her heavy lovemaking—aside from the love bites put to display on her chest. Alodie doesn't bed and tell, so she won't tell you.
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"While you're reading books ready to break at your touch, I'm enjoying my fifth tequila. Why don't you put Shakespeare's diary down and enjoy the modern world?"
"Funny thing: in all my past lives, I've always been in the drinks. Funny thing I remembered from 1910."
"To distract me from either leading my coven out of drought or being the curse that kills us all, I like to numb my body, soul, and mind with jelly shots and vodka burning my throat. It's free therapy available at any time of the day. I have no idea why I'm telling this to you, Mikaelson, but I like you as a drinking buddy."