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I wake up checking the time 3am great. I quietly get out from the covers and head to the kitchen grabbing a glass filling it with some water, I down it and put it in the sink and when I think I made it back quietly I hear a sleepy voice turn around "you okay?" She asks I nod then realizing she can't see "yeah sorry I didn't mean to wake you" "it's alright" she trails off seeming distracted. "What's in your mind?" I say "forget it" she sighs quietly I frown. "You" I hear so discreetly, "what?" My heart race quickens. I turn close to her inches away. I've resisted falling for her again, she's making that impossible. Before I know it I collided with her lips the warmth I've missed. She tastes like vanilla.  She pulls away almost immediately "I'm sorry.." I stamper trying to get out of bed my best bet is the bathroom hide in there maybe? I'm such an idiot why did I do that. But she grabs my waist and flips me around again pulling me in. I feel as if She never left the void in my heart feels full. Deepening the kiss I wrap my hand around her neck and she pulls me closer. This continues for a bit later.. we pull away I'm on fire thankfully she can't see me right now. "Wow" I say "wow" she repeats I let my head burrow into her arms and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up and see the empty space next to me. I walk out sleepily to see she made breakfast. Well tried. "Aha so cereal?" I laugh looking at the burnt eggs and soggy looking toast. We pull out a box of frosted flakes and watch them spill into our bowls. It should be awkward after last night, but it isn't. "Last night huh?" I smile to myself shyly "you don't know how much I've missed you the cuddles are a extra plus" I laugh I kiss her on the cheek and we both had discussed we wanted to try again and we did. After a few weeks we both were so happy and moved into an apartment together with a cat named cat. I had a steady job so did Stacey, we couldn't be happier. "Stace" I look to her "I love you" I smile holding her hand "I love you too" she kisses me and we look at the plane "ready?" "Ready as ever" we walk up and prepare for our visit "home".

A/N last part! Thank you so much for reading hope you liked it I'm gonna make start another book for Elmax/or Sillie not 100% sure this has been fun to write and make meanwhile still learning but have a good day or night lovely's!

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