December 21, 2018

1 0 0

12:02 AM

I love me. I really love myself. I can't wait to witness what this life brings.. what I'll accomplish. I already know what's gonna happen.. all the good it's gonna create. I can feel it. I just can't wait to see it. And I guess that's why I get so sad sometimes cause I know I can do it, I know I can make it happen. I just don't know exactly in detail what to do.. I have these plans then I have to dicexr these plans and have everything precise. And maybe that's what my problem is. The fact that I believe that everything needs to be so precise when it doesn't. Idk I godda think but I think too much.

- Hey 👋🏽  it's present me... soo I have no idea what the fuck word I was trying to use in that one part lmfaoo. I thought it would be fun if I just left it and see if you can figure it out 😂😂😂
Anyways, love you 😘❤️❤️

-I have not read this shit since I posted it... the word is "decipher"~ idk HOW I managed- auto correct and typing at the speed of light while possibly doing a million other things 💀 STILL LOVE YA ~ sooooo much more than her 👆🏽🤗

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