Chapter 4 - My Grandma's So Heartless

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"Sharlene, what is this nonsense?! What has got into you? I don't know what is going on in that brain of yours but you're a bright girl, Sharlene and you haven't failed or disappointed me ever since you're little," Grandma spluttered. Yes, my Grandmother, Madame Sondok Kim's scolding me right now. I see shock and dismay written all over her face.

She's busy reading an article about her on Time's magazine entitled Sondok Kim: Korea's Most Powerful Woman when I entered her office. So, her mood turned upside down, from best to worst after I made my confession.

I just shut my eyes while listening carefully to her. I made myself ready for this, ready for my Grandma's criticism and reprimand.

But Grandma's stern expression somehow softened a bit and a faint pleading in her eyes, hoping that I would change my mind. "What has gone wrong with you? You know you're the only heir to everything that me and your Grandpa have worked hard for. And don't take for granted the things your Mom and Dad has entrusted to you. What really made you decide on this, Sharlene?" Grandma continued.

Mom and Dad had given me all the riches that life could offer so how could I take them for granted. They mean everything to me.

I opened my eyes and made a face, but still acting cute and sweet, hoping she would give in and grant my request. "Grandma, I know. And I appreciate everything you've done for me, everything that you've provided me. They're all precious to me. I cherished all the things Mom and Dad had given me. I value them all my life."

I went beside my beloved Grandma and hugged her tight. "Grandma, please.. I'm still the granddaughter that you've always wanted. The little girl you've always loved. I've thought about this a thousand times and so please..please allow me to study at Seoul High."

Grandma asked, still not convinced. "How about your studies at Seoul Business-Oriented (SBO) High? You'll be graduating this year and everything you've started and worked hard for will be in vain. And you want to transfer to Seoul High? I cannot discern any benefit from your decision." Grandma continued her scolding. "This isn't like you, Sharlene. I thought I taught you everything. I thought..."

I admit Grandma's guidance, insight, knowledge and support were invaluable in my crazy high school process. Studying at SBO high is no breeze at all.

Snap out of my trance when Grandma's face saddened. "You said you're not like your Dad." Then she looked at me."You said you are different from him."

Dad's the type who always does what he wants. He's stubborn and always makes decision for himself. So, I grimaced. "Grandma, yes, we're different. And I'm not forgetting everything you've taught me. I just wanna try something new. This could be challenge for me."

"And what could that challenge be?" Grandma asked skeptically.

I wrapped my arms around her again. "Everything, Grandma. Everything. New school, new environment, new classmates. So, please.... Allow me to transfer to Seoul High. It's not too late to transfer school, right? School year has just started. And classes have not even started at SBO High so I can still transfer." I'm thankful I haven't enrolled there yet.

"If you want to learn, you can learn everywhere. You can learn from every place you've been, from every person you've met. I promise, Grandma. I will never disappoint you. I will continue to grow and become the person you want me to be," I said assertively, also reassuring her that I'm still worthy of her trust.

Our conversation lasted for hours or can I consider it a conversation? It was an argument but it ended in a way I didn't expect.

Grandma finally agreed. My heart almost made a summersault in my chest.

"Okay, you can enroll at Seoul High this year, in one condition," Grandma uttered firmly.

I swallowed hard as I suddenly felt anxious while listening attentively to her.

"You are not allowed to have a boyfriend until you graduate. No going out with boys, definitely no dating," Grandma said in a very serious tone.

What??! I felt my eyes almost bulged out. And if there's an earthquake, I felt the earth opened and swallowed me up in an instant. I've never had a boyfriend nor dated anyone. But I couldn't grasp why my Grandma would impose such condition on me. She's not the conservative and overprotective type. But of all the conditions she has come up with, why it has to be that one? Why Grandma? Why??

I suddenly think of Kris. Noooo... Grandma, please don't this to me? This is torturing me.

I couldn't help but whine. "But Grandma..." I embraced her again, still hopeful she would change her mind.

She gave me a rather suspicious look. "Tell me, Sharlene. Tell me honestly. Why all sudden, you decided to transfer school? I never heard you complain about school nor receive any problem from your school. Sharlene, is there something you need to tell me? Is there something I need to know?"

I'm well-aware of what's she's thinking right now. But the reason why I will be transferring to Seoul High is actually because of a guy. "Grandma, I don't have a boyfriend. And I never dated anyone. I know I need to consult you first before I date a guy."

Grandma nodded. "So, that's it! It's settled. Study first, and remember, no boyfriend until you graduate. That will ease my mind."

I forced a smile. I didn't complain. If I gripe about it, she won't allow me to transfer this school year.

Finally, I can now enroll at Seoul High and continue my studies there as long as I meet my Grandma's numerous conditions. Yah, she made several other conditions after the first one, I don't have to jot them down but they all pertain to a serious reminder to always live up to my Grandma's expectation and not to let her down.

It's hard but I love her. I love my family. I love them with all my heart.

And as for Kris Wu? I began to ask myself. Why do I have this feeling that I'm mysteriously drawn to him? I am drawn into him in a way that I couldn't imagine. I must admit I'm attracted to him but there's something strange about him. And I can't believe I'm transferring to other school because of him. Hays..What really has got into me?

My mind's cloudy and my thoughts were foggy but somehow I felt deliriously happy as I stepped out of my Grandma's office. Yeah, she had an office inside our house. And no one could ever disturb her once she's inside her office unless you had an appointment or it's of an urgent matter. As for my concern? It's actually disturbing and alarming. I couldn't describe the look on my Grandma's face when she first learned about my decision.

I walked at a leisurely pace towards my room. I couldn't explain how excited I was. If my Grandma's face was indescribable, I couldn't wait to see Luhan's reaction if I told him the big news. Haha!

That night I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned in my bed but I just couldn't get myself to sleep. I tried to concentrate and think of nothing else but my mind was just lost in thought. Am I too excited or I just worry too much?

I came to realize how heartless Grandma was. She just deprived me of my right. Anyone shouldn't be deprived of his right to be happy?

I wanna be with Kris. So, I am transferring to Seoul High because of him. But if I am not allowed to have a boyfriend? Isn't that a deprivation of my right to happiness?

That is one hell of a problem.

Grandma, you can't do this to me?

I felt rueful that I didn't even object to Grandma awhile ago. I got tongue-tied and was afraid and I blamed myself for that.

Ooooh. I moaned as I hugged my pillow tightly. My head's spinning and my mind just couldn't gather the thoughts that were swinging in my head.


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